Smartarget Telegram – Contact Us Smartarget Telegram – Contact Us

Smartarget Telegram – Contact Us

Created by: Smartarget

Downloaded: 3k times

If you use Telegram – you can allow your visitors to approach you via Telegram in one click.
With ‘Telegram – Contact Us’ you can add a small icon on one of your website corners (any of them!) with a short message such as “Contact us” or “message us” etc. When a user clicks on the icon – a new tab will open with the Telegram chat so users can talk with you right away.
Telegram – Contact Us can link to your personal Telegram profile, Telegram Group or even Telegram bot if you have one.
You can use it to get more followers on your Telegram or to provide a customer support service.
Telegram Contact Us works also with WooCommerce, Elementor and Oxygen Builder.

Smartarget Telegram – Contact Us Pro Features:

Pro version overcomes your limitations with lite version of Smartarget Telegram – Contact Us.

Smartarget Telegram – Contact Us PRO Plugin Features

  • Apps visibility on all pages
  • No Smartarget label

BUY Smartarget Telegram – Contact Us Pro Features : Buy Now


  • Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us #1
  • Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us #2
  • Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us #3


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