• Get discounted shipping rates.

  • Send tracking info to your customers.

  • Automatically import WordPress orders.

  • Pre-fill customs documentation for international orders.

  • Compare real-time Courier and LTL Carrier options.

  • Option to display rates on checkout for your customer’s preferences. (We import the customer’s selected shipping choice, which you can then map to the appropriate shipping carrier or service).

  • Create shipping labels.

  • Automatically fulfill orders & update the carriers’ tracking URL for WordPress orders.


  • After installing the SMARTT Shipping plugin, you will be prompted for an API Key which you can request from your Account Manager or

  • Add the API key to your WooCommerce settings > Shipping > SMARTT Shipping page.

  • Immediately access discounted carrier rates and print shipping labels.


  • To use SMARTT Shipping on your eCommerce website.


  • Canada Post

  • UPS

  • Loomis

  • DHL

  • Purolator

  • FedEx

  • Dicom

  • Day & Ross

  • 100+ Additional Carriers

Important Links

For further information, please review the following:


  • <p>On WordPress, go to WooCommerce &gt; Settings &gt; Shipping &gt; SMARTT SHIPPING.</p>
  • <p>Insert all the default values like (Weight, height, length, package type, product type, etc.).</p>
  • <p>Go to the Products page to adjust package details and values.</p>
  • <p>When you are ready to ship an order, go to the Order page and select “Ship Order”.</p>
  • <p>Adjust shipping information &amp; Generate shipment.</p>
  • <p>The system will then calculate the shipping costs from the carrier(s).</p>
  • <p>Once your shipment is generated, you will receive all the details about the order's shipment.</p>
  • <p>You can manage multiple warehouse addresses by going to “Smartt Shipping Warehouse Address”.</p>
  • <p>Choose the warehouse address you want to ship the order from.</p>
  • <p>To customize the carriers so that only your preferred ones appear during checkout, select your preferred carriers on the “Smartt Shipping Preferred Carriers” tab.</p>
  • <p>Only the selected carriers will be visible on the Cart page. If none are selected, all carriers will appear.</p>
  • <p>Only the selected carriers will be visible on the Checkout page. If none are selected, all carriers will appear.</p>


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