WP Button by Sorsawo Digital

Created by: Sorsawo Digital

Downloaded: 530 times

This plugin lets you create beautiful button on your WordPress site.

You can use this plugin to create good looking button which can be used on any post or page on your WordPress site.

Button can be inserted anywhere in your WordPress site:

  • Page/post editor by using the [button] shortcode
  • In sidebar by using text widget
  • In template files by using WordPress do_shortcode function

How do I add a button shortcode?

Insert [button] shortcode anywhere in your content and the button will appear when you preview the content.

Here is a list of attributes for this button shortcode:

  • container – Markup to place before the button. Default: “div”.
  • link – The URL for the button.
  • title – The title for the button.
  • blank – Whether open the link on new window or not. Default: false
  • nofollow – Whether add nofollow attribute for the button or not. Default: false.


[button link="https://sorsawodigital.com/button/" title="Read More" blank=true nofollow=true]



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