Easiest way to integrate Font Awesome Icon in any post or widget.

Example below :


You can use:
[icon type=”s” name=”umbrella” size=”15″ padding=”2″]

(All icons required font type or icon type. If solid please write type=”s”. If font type regular you need to write type=”r”, same thing b for brand.

You must use:
[icon type=”b” name=”twitter”] All branded icons are now font type = b

All the types are listed below and uses examples.

Type Solid : [icon name=”” type=”s”]
Type Regular : [icon name=”” type=”r”]
Type Light : [icon name=”” type=”l”]
Type Brand : [icon name=”” type=”b”]

Use class parameter if you want to include any class. Below included all possible parameters.
[icon name=”facebook-f” type=”b” size=”25″ padding=”3″ margin=”2″ bg=”blue” color=”white”]
Font size is in pixel, i/e 25px, and padding margin are % i/e 3%, 2%.

Please note- You must include the padding and margin, otherwise here default padding and margin are avail(2%)

All of icons are in below list, grab your favorite icon and enjoy it!

https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery or

Find all type of icons and use to WordPress post, page, widgets.

If you need more docs you can go below links—

Premium Plugin

This plugin has a latest premium update included on “SS Total Short Code” plugin. Very soon it will be available at: http://sobshomoy.com/ss-total-short-code

Version 4.1

Updated with latest fontawesome 5.3.1 version.

Version 3.1.2

We’re sorry for the last update where it was not fully tested with fontawesome v5. Now we made few more changes to get old version of icon and new version of icon in same plugin. Hope this update will recover your last two months issues.

Version 3

Latest Fontawesome 5.0 installed and supported. You’ll not get any icon missing. But apology on Pro support.

Version 2.1.4

Latest WordPress compatibility checked.

Version 2.1.3

Updated for new icons support.
Margin and padding changed to 2% by default.

Version 2.1.2

1.updated with new font awesome icons
2.Fixed few bugs



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