SSP Director Tools SSP Director Tools

SSP Director Tools

Created by: Matthias Scheidl

Downloaded: 5k times

This Plugin uses the SSP Director API to pull content from SlideShowPro Director.


  • Insert a single image from SSP Director into a post using a shortcode.
  • Insert a photo grid with multiple images from SSP Director into a post using a shortcode. Query SSP Director for albums, galleries, tags and configure the sorting of the output. Photo grids with random images are possible.
  • Insert widgets into your theme if you want to display a photo grid in a widget area.
  • Sizing and image handling are according to your default settings but can be overridden by shortcode attributes.
  • Use image metadata provided by SSP Director for formatting image captions.
  • Enable/disable photo feed functionality which generates an encrypted RSS photo feed URL for photo grids.
  • Use FancyBox to display photos in lightbox style.

Shortcode Help

Use this shortcode: [sspd].

List of allowed attributes:

  • album: The id of an album to show (integer).
  • gallery: The id of a gallery to show (integer).
  • image: The id of a single image to show (integer).
  • align: Alignment of a single image (left|center|right, default: left).
  • caption: Whether or not to show the caption of a single image (yes|1|no|0, default: 1).
  • limit: The maximum number of images to be shown in a grid (integer, default: 0). 0 if unlimited.
  • tags: List of tags to filter the content by, separated by commas.
  • tagmode: Mode in which the tag filter works. Match all tags or any out of the list (all|one, default: one).
  • sort_on: The sort field (null|created_on|captured_on|modified_on|filename|random, default: null).
  • sort_direction: The sort order (ASC|DESC, default: DESC).
  • rss: Whether or not to show a RSS photo feed link below the photo grid (yes|1|no|0, default: 1).

If no attributes are specified, the default plugin settings apply as defined in the sections “Photo Grid Defaults” and “Image Sizes and Handling”.


[sspd gallery="6" limit="10" tags="technology" sort_on="captured_on" sort_direction="DESC"]: This will output the 10 most recent photos of gallery 6 which are tagged with "technology".<h3>Using captions</h3>

Image captions are automatically generated using image metadata. You can define different captions for preview images and images presented by FancyBox. Use placehoders like %placeholder% in your caption definitions and define how dates will be formatted.

List of allowed placeholders:

  • %caption%: The image caption as provided by Director. If the caption is not set in Director, the IPTC caption is used instead.
  • %byline%: The IPTC byline
  • %city%: The IPTC city
  • %country%: The IPTC country
  • %date%: The image capture date from the EXIF record

Date formatting: Use common PHP date formats.

Using HTML in your captions: You may use the following HTML elements and attributes:

<div style="">, <p style="">, <b>, <i> <strong>, <em>, <br>

Example: <b>%caption%</b> (%date%)<br><i>Photograph by %byline%</i>

Known Issues

  • A bug in the Director API v. 1.5.0 beta generates a wrong result when a query with multiple tags is done. See SSP Director Forum.
  • photo grids and photo feeds don’t work for smart galleries and albums. (Seems to be a Director bug.)
  • The plugin currently doesn’t check if the photo feed feature is installed correctly.
  • The photo feeds don’t show the real sizes of the downloadable enclosures, but the sizes of the originals.


  • Options pane
  • Photo Grid Widget
  • Example output of a photo grid with RSS photo link


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