Sometimes we need to show the same content/section in several pages. And when we want to change this content/section, we need to change this in all those different places.

This plugin can do this easily. You create a static block using this plugin and show this in several pages, posts and custom posts by shortcodes and widgets section.


  1. Easy to customize.
  2. Use any shortcode in Static Block Section.
  3. Add Static Block in any page very easily.
  4. Also show Static Block featured image.
  5. Static Block Widget to showcase your static block content/thumbnail anywhere you want.
  6. Shortcode for pages/posts editor to show your static block content- [static_block_content id=”static_block_id”].
  7. Shortcode for pages/posts editor to show your static block featured image- [static_block_thumbnail id=”static_block_id”]
  8. Set time schedule of block.

Support & Customizations

If you have any question or if you need any assistance regarding the customization regarding the plugin, feel free to contact us.
If you find any bugs in our plugin, let us know.
Also, don’t forget to rate us! Your valuable feedback will help us to make this plugin more improve.


  • Add New Static Block.
  • Static block shortcode add popup show in page/post content.
  • Static Block widget form. Add title, description, static block type and static block name.


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