Stock Quotes List Stock Quotes List

Stock Quotes List

Created by: Stockdio

Downloaded: 32k times

Stockdio’s Stock Quotes List contains a plugin and a widget that provide the means to display a list of stock prices, market indices, currencies and commodities with their variations. Over 65 different stock exchanges and a large number of market indices, currencies and commodities are supported. Optionally, an interactive price chart can be included with the list.

If you’re using the standard Gutenberg editor, the easiest way to include this plugin on your page is using the Stock Quotes List block, which is included in the Stockdio Financial Visualizations category.

If you’re using a different editor o prefer to use the shortcode, below is a sample to help you start. Please be aware that most of the parameters listed below are optional, and are also available through the plugin’s settings page. Any parameter you include in the shortcode will overwrite the parameter used in the settings page.

[stock-quotes-list symbols="AAPL;MSFT;GOOG;HPQ;^SPX;^DJI;LSE:BAG" stockExchange="NYSENasdaq" width="100%" height="380" motif="financial" palette="financial-light"]

This plugin is part of the Stockdio Financial Widgets, which also includes the following plugins and widgets:

The following parameters are supported:

stockExchange: The exchange market the symbols belong to (optional). If not specified, NYSE/NASDAQ will be used by default. For a list of available exchanges please visit

symbols: A list of companies stock symbols, market index tickers, currency pairs or commodities ticker, separated by semi-colon (;) (e.g. AAPL;MSFT;GOOG;HPQ;^SPX;^DJI;LSE:BAG). Please review the FAQ section for additional details on how to includes indices, currencies and commodities, as well as how to specify custom names, combine data from different exchanges, etc.

width: Width of the list in either px or % (default: 100%).

height: Height of the list in pixels (default: 320px). If not specified, the list height will be calculated automatically.

title: Allows to specify a title for the list, e.g. Watch List (optional).

intraday: If enabled (true), auto refresh intraday delayed data will be used if available for the exchange. For a list of exchanges with intraday data available, please visit

includeChart: Allows to include an interactive chart along with the list (optional).

chartHeight: Height of the chart in pixels (default: 320px).

includeLogo: Allows to include/exclude a column with the stock logo or index country flag, if available. Use includeLogo=false to hide the logo (optional).

logoMaxHeight: Specify the maximum height allowed for the logo. The height may be smaller than the maximum, depending on the logo width, as it maintains the logo’s aspect ratio (optional).

logoMaxWidth: Specify the maximum width allowed for the logo. The width may be smaller than the maximum, depending on the logo height, as it maintains the logo’s aspect ratio (optional).

includeSymbol: Allows to include/exclude a column with the stock symbol. Use includeSymbol=false to hide the symbol (optional).

includeCompany: Allows to include/exclude a column with the company name. Use includeCompany=false to hide the company name (optional).

includePrice: Allows to include/exclude a column with the latest stock price. Use includePrice=false to hide the stock price (optional).

includeChange: Allows to include/exclude a column with the stock price change. Use includeChange=false to hide the price change (optional).

includePercentChange: Allows to include/exclude a column with the stock price percentual change. Use includePercentChange=false to hide the price percent change (optional).

includeTrend: Allows to include/exclude a column with the stock price trend icon (up/down/neutral). Use includeTrend=false to hide the trend icon (optional).

includeVolume: Allows to include/exclude a column with the latest volume. By default, volume is not visible. Use includeVolume=true to show it (optional).

showHeader: Allows to display the list header. Use showHeader=false to hide it (optional).

showCurrency: Allows to display the currency symbol next to the price, depending on the culture settings.

allowSort: If enabled (true), it allows the end user to sort the data by any of the fields, by clicking on the header, if this is visible.

culture: Allows to specify a combination of language and country settings, used to display texts and to format numbers and dates, e.g. Spanish-Spain (optional). For a list of available culture combinations please visit

motif: Design used to display the visualization with specific aesthetics, including borders and styles, among other elements (optional). For a list of available motifs please visit

palette: Includes a set of consistent colors used for the visualization (optional). For a list of available palettes please visit

font: Allows to specify the font that will be used to render the chart. Multiple fonts may be specified separated by comma, e.g. Lato,Helvetica,Arial (optional).

displayPrices: Allows to specify how to display the prices on the chart (if enabled), using one of the following options (default: Line):

  • Line
  • Candlestick
  • Area
  • OHLC
  • HLC

allowPeriodChange: If enabled (true), it provides a UI to allow the end user to select the period for the data to be displayed in the chart. This UI is enabled by default.

days: Allows to specify the number of days for the period to display in the chart (if enabled). If not specified, its default value is 365 days.

loadDataWhenVisible: Allows to fetch the data and display the visualization only when it becomes visible on the page, in order to avoid using calls (requests) when they are not needed. This is particularly useful when the visualization is not visible on the page by default, but it becomes visible as result of a user interaction (e.g. clicking on an element, etc.). It is also useful when using the same visualization multiple times on a page for different devices (e.g. using one instance of the plugin for mobile and another one for desktop). We recommend not using this by default but only on scenarios as those described above, as it may provide the end user with a small delay to display the visualization (optional).


  • <p>Example of quotes board used to display a World Markets Watch List.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board used to display a Commodities list, with interactive chart.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board used to display a World Currencies List, with interactive chart.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board using Financial motif and Financial-Light palette.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board using Face motif and Relief palette.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board using Material motif and Whitespace palette, using Spanish-Spain culture.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board using Semantic motif and Humanity palette, using French-Canada culture.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board using Blinds motif and Block palette, using German-Germany culture.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board using Healthy motif and Healthy palette, using Italian-Italy culture.</p>
  • <p>Example of quotes board using Block motif and Relief palette.</p>
  • <p>Stockdio Historical Chart is also available as a complement to the Stock Quotes List.</p>
  • <p>Stockdio Stock Market Overview is also available as a complement to the Stock Quotes List.</p>
  • <p>Stockdio Stock Market News is also available as a complement to the Stock Quotes List.</p>
  • <p>Stockdio Stock Market Ticker List is also available as a complement to the Stock Quotes List.</p>
  • <p>Settings page.</p>
  • <p>Stockdio toolbar integration with easy to use dialog.</p>
  • <p>Stock Quotes List widget dialog.</p>
  • <p>Stock Quotes List block as part of the Stockdio Financial Visualizations category.</p>
  • <p>Stock Quotes List block sidebar settings.</p>


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