Style Buddy Style Buddy

Style Buddy

Created by: Jeremiah Prummer

Downloaded: 2k times

Dealing with theme styles can be a hassle, but Style Buddy makes editing your WordPress site a breeze!

When the plugin is activated each page, post (and every other WordPress custom post type) gets metaboxes that allow you to add custom javascript and css to only that particular item. Let’s say you want to change the background color of your home page to black, but still want all your other pages to have a white background. With Style Buddy you just edit your homepage and add a command like body{background-color:black;} and only your home page background color will be changed.

Javascript is just as easy. Simply select the page or post you want, add your javascript to the specified metabox and you’re ready to go!

Want syntax highlighting for Style Buddy? Get it from WP Overnight.


  • Metaboxes in action
  • Result on the edited page


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