Subtitle Subtitle


Created by: Shinichi Nishikawa

Downloaded: 3k times

Displays subtitle text field after the title in post, page and other post type edit page.

Retriving and displaying in templates

Use get_nskw_subtitle() to retrieve and nskw_subtitle() to display.

Change label

By default the label of the input field is "Subtitle". There's a hook for changing it.

add_filter( 'nskw-fat-meta_label', 'nskw_changeLabel' );
function nskw_changeLabel() {
    return 'new label';

Hide in specific post types

By default, subtitle field appears in every post type edit pages except for attachment.

To hide in particular post type pages, there’s a hook.

// hide subtitle field in posttype 'attachment', 'page'、''newposttype'
add_filter( 'nskw-fat_post_type', 'nskw_hide_subtitle' );
function nskw_hide_subtitle() {
    return array( 'attachment', 'page', 'newposttype' );


  • Subtitle input field appears!


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