System Dashboard System Dashboard

System Dashboard

Created by: Bowo

Downloaded: 12k times

This plugin provides a central dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, processes and data, including server hardware, software and resource usage. Pairs well with Query Monitor to help you do some solid dev work.

A must-have for serious WordPress developers.” ~Jeff Starr

A power tool for WordPress site builders and plugin/theme developers that will save a ton of time.” ~Ivan Arnaudov

“Hands down one of the best plugins for developers. Keep up the good work!” ~Abracadabra DGTL

Despite having 20 WordPress modules and 4 server modules, the single-page dashboard loads fast as queries are optimized and most modules employ fast AJAX loading of data. It does not weight down wp-admin, and nothing is loaded on the front-end. Install, activate and let it sit there ready to summon the info/data you need.

To preview the module screenshots more easily, please scroll down the github repo. Here’s a rundown of the available modules…

WordPress Modules (20)

1. Overview:

  • Site health status
  • Quick stats of active theme and plugins
  • Permalink structure
  • Search engine visibility
  • Timezone and current time
  • Your IP address

2. Database:

  • Software info
  • Uptime
  • Data size
  • Index size
  • List of WP core tables with data/index size and number of rows/records of each table
  • List of tables created/used by themes and plugins with the origin theme/plugin, data/index size and number of rows/records of each table
  • Key database info, e.g. innodb_buffer_pool_size
  • Detailed specifications

3. Post Types & Taxonomies:

  • List of post types and posts count for each
  • List of taxonomies and terms count for each
  • Comment count
  • List of old slugs and the corresponding posts

4. Media:

  • List of media types and files count for each
  • List of allowed mime types and the corresponding file extensions
  • List of registered image sizes
  • Media handling info, e.g. max file upload size

5. Directories:

  • Root path
  • Directory size and total number of files in WP installation, wp-admin, wp-includes, wp-content directory, uploads directory, plugins directory, themes directories
  • Filesystem permissions

6. Custom Fields:

  • List of public custom fields
  • List of private custom fields, i.e. keys that start with an undersocre _

7. Users:

  • List of user roles and users count for each
  • List of roles and capabilities. Including custom roles and custom capabilities.

8. Options:

  • Total number of options
  • Total number and size of autoloaded options
  • Filterable list of options from WordPress core with ID, autoload, size and type info
  • Filterable list of options from plugins and theme with ID, autoload, size and type info
  • List of 10 autoloaded options with the largest size
  • AJAX loading of option value with interactive tree viewer for array and object value types

9. Transients:

  • Total number of transients
  • Total number and size of autoloaded transients
  • List of transients with expiration, including time left to expiry
  • List of expired transients
  • List of transients that do not expire
  • AJAX loading of transient value with interactive tree viewer for array and object value types

10. Object Cache:

  • Status of persistent object cache backend
  • Stats of cache hit ratio
  • List of global groups
  • List of non-persistent groups
  • List and viewer (AJAX) of cached items in the global $wp_object_cache variable
  • List and viewer (AJAX) of cached items in memory. Currently supporting Redis and Memcached backends.
  • Diagnostics info (if available)

11. Cron:

  • List of cron event hooks and recurrences, categorized by core vs non-core

12. Rewrite Rules:

  • List of rewrite rules

13. Shortcodes:

  • List of shortcodes and renderers (callback functions)

14. Hooks:

  • Filterable list of action and filter hooks from WordPress core with description, originating file path and link to WordPress Code Reference for each hook
  • List of action and filter hooks from the active theme, with description, originating file path and link to file preview in the theme file editor
  • List of action and filter hooks from active plugins, with description, originating file path and link to file preview in the plugin file editor

15. Classes:

  • List of classes from WordPress core with methods, originating file path, and link to WordPress Code Reference for each class
  • List of classes from the active theme with methods, originating file path, and link to preview the file in the theme file editor
  • List of classes from active plugins with methods, originating file path, and link to preview the file in the plugin file editor

16. Functions:

  • Filterable list of functions from WordPress core with the originating file path and link to WordPress Code Reference for each function
  • List of functions from the active theme with the originating file path and link to preview the file in the theme file editor
  • List of functions from active plugins with the originating file path and link to preview the file in the plugin file editor

17. Globals:

  • Categorized list of global variables defined by WordPress
  • List of PHP super globals
  • List of global variables defined by themes and plugins

18. Constants:

  • List of defined constants by WordPress core (categorized), as well as by theme and plugins
  • Documentation of each constant from WordPress core

19. Viewer:

  • wp-config.php viewer, including path and writeability info.
  • .htaccess viewer
  • REST API viewer
  • robots.txt viewer
  • Link to sitemap
  • Viewer for URLs, paths and fragments from various WP core functions and CONSTANTS like get_template_directory_uri() and ABSPATH, as well as those generated by PHP $_SERVER superglobal such as $_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’]
  • Link to recent posts RSS feed
  • Link to recent comments RSS feed

20. Logs:

  • Page Access log. A simple logger of which pages are being accessed by site visitors. Disabled by default.
  • PHP Errors log using native WP_DEBUG constants and a custom name and location for the debug log file for better security. Disabled by default.
  • Email Delivery log: will log emails that the WordPress app has sent / tried sending and provide a way to quickly view and search through them. Disabled by default.

Server Modules (3)

1. Overview:

  • Server operating system
  • Web server software
  • Server IP address
  • Server hostname
  • Server location
  • Server timezone and current date time

2. Monitor:

  • Server uptime
  • Server CPU load average: last 15 minutes, last 5 minutes, last 1 minute
  • RAM usage
  • Disk usage

3. Hardware:

  • CPU type
  • CPU count and cores count
  • Total RAM
  • Total disk space

4. PHP:

  • PHP version
  • PHP user
  • Key info: max execution time, max input time, max input vars, memory limit, post max size, upload max size, cURL version, allow_url_fopen, fsockopen, SoapClient, DOMDocument, GZip, SUHOSIN, Imagick
  • Extensions loaded
  • Disabled functions
  • Detailed PHP specification from phpinfo()

For All WordPress and Server Modules:

  • List of relevant tools (plugins) and references (articles) for each module

Technical Notes

  • Requires shell_exec and exec functions enabled for some modules to work properly. e.g. the Hooks > Active Plugins tool.
  • There’s an MU (must-use) plugin that unloads all other plugins for admin-ajax calls initiated from the dashboard, so these calls stay fast no matter how complex and big your site is.
  • The longest first load is probably the Hooks > Active Plugins tool, which scans action and filter hooks from all active plugins on the site. The more plugins are active, the longer it takes. If your server/hosting has a low execution time limit, you may need to load the module two or three times for the scan to complete. Once complete, subsequent loads of the module should be much much faster.
  • This plugin has been tested to work with servers powered by NGINX, Apache and Litespeed, and also sites using PHP 7+ and 8+.

Give Back

About 260 dev hours have been spent towards v2.6.2 so far.

Check These Out Too

  • Debug Log Manager: Log PHP, database and JavaScript errors via WP_DEBUG with one click. Conveniently create, view, filter and clear the debug.log file.
  • Variable Inspector: Inspect PHP variables on a central dashboard in wp-admin for convenient debugging.
  • Code Explorer: Fast directory explorer and file/code viewer with syntax highlighting.
  • Database Admin: Securely manage your WordPress website’s database with a clean and user-friendly interface based on a custom-themed Adminer app. Only available on Github.
  • Admin and Site Enhancements helps you to easily enhance various admin workflows and site aspects while replacing multiple plugins doing it.
  • Flexible Scroll Top and Floating Share Buttons is a lightweight combo with minimalist UI.
  • WordPress Newsboard: The latest news, articles, podcasts and videos from 100+ WordPress-focused sources.
  • WordPress Newsboard: The latest news, articles, podcasts and videos from 100+ WordPress-focused sources.


  • The dashboard
  • WordPress overview & the Database module
  • Post Types & Taxonomies module
  • Media module
  • Directories module
  • Custom Fields module
  • Users module
  • Options module
  • Transients module
  • Cron module
  • Rewrite Rules module
  • Shortcodes module
  • Hooks module
  • Classes module
  • Functions module
  • Globals module
  • Constants module
  • Viewer module
  • Server overview and Monitor module
  • Hardware module
  • PHP module


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