Tabagile Scrum Board Tabagile Scrum Board

Tabagile Scrum Board

Created by: Maeka

Downloaded: 1k times

Tabagile Scrum Board 0.1 (alpha version), is a simple scrum board that will help you, a Product Owner, to deal with your stories, sprints and your team members.

0.1 alpha features:

  1. All members work as a team to manipulate the list under “Manage”.
  2. Each member can see what’s really important.
  3. Scrum players are in Sync with WordPress Roles and Capabilities.
  4. You can insert entries as Stories, Epics, Themes, Tasks or Project.
  5. Tabagile Scrum Board permits you to maintain the relationships between the entryes. That is, an Epic can be a parent category for a lot of stories, for example.
  6. Set the stories as “Not-ready” or “Ready” and submit them to sprint. Trac it all.

Next alpha release features:

  1. Entries pagination and a “sort by” the table title names.
  2. View the entries according by the relationship beetween them(parents and children nodes).
  3. Request for approval using e-mail on changing the entry status.
  4. Visualize the graphs for “release burn-down”, “sprint burn-down”.
  5. Attach files and documents to the entries.
  6. Setup the title table names that will be shown in the product backlog list

Tabagile Scrum Board is a variant derived from Abstract Dimension’s Todo List Plugin.

Roles and Capabilities

  • “subscriber” / role:0 = Client (that user can sugest stories directly in the product backlog, trough a public interface, and can follow entries created by himself)
  • “contributor” / role:1 = Team Member(that user can sugest stories directly in the product backlog, trough a public interface, and can follow entries created by himself)
  • “author” / role:2,3,4 = Team Member (that user can see your tasks in product backlog)
  • “editor” / role:5,6,7 = Scrum Master (can dealing with tasks and team members)
  • “administrator” / role:8,9,10 = Product Owner (can dealing with epics, stories, themes, projects and grant access for all team members)

Table Structure

  1. id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment: the entry id ( story, epic, theme )
  2. idParent int(11) default NULL: parent id number, if it exists
  3. sprintNumber int(11) default NULL: sprint number that will support the storie
  4. points int(11) default NULL: story points
  5. author bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’: story account id
  6. att bigint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’: attendant id (scrum-master, p.o, team-member)
  7. targetActors bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’: the target profile that will be
  8. tasktag bigint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’: it will show you if the entry is a ‘0 = story’, ‘1 =
    epic’, ‘2 = theme’, ‘3 = task’, ‘4 = project’
  9. status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’: this field is abble to show you if your story is ‘0 = notset’, ‘1 = notready’ ‘2 = ready’, ‘3 = progress’, ‘4 = has been done’
  10. priority tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’: ‘0 = important’, ‘1 = normal’, ‘2 = low’
  11. todotext text NOT NULL: The full entry description
  12. created_at datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’: The date that the entry has been created
  13. starts_in datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’: The date that the entry was submited to the sprint
  14. ended_in datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’: The date that the entry has been doned


  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png
  • screenshot-3.png
  • screenshot-4.png
  • screenshot-5.png


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