Tailored Tools

Created by: Tailored Web Services

Downloaded: 3k times

This plugin contains helper classes used to build custom forms. It’s built by Tailored Web Services for use on our sites, but anyone is welcome to use it.

This plugin comes with a basic contact form. You can write additional plugins to extend & create more forms. If you are not comfortable writing PHP code, then this plugin is probably not right for you.

It also contains some other shortcode helpers for Google Maps, jQuery UI Tabs, and Page Content.


This plugin also includes some shortcodes that we tend to use a lot.


This will apply formatting and javascript to implement jQuery UI Tabs. To use, simply wrap all of your tabbed content in [tabs] … [/tabs] shortcodes. Each H2 element will be a new tab. Some basic CSS is included, and you can write your own in your theme file to customise the look.

[pagecontent id=”1″]

Sometimes you need to include the same bit of content in many places on your site. To save time, this shortcode will let you include the content from one page in many places. Just use the shortcode, and provide the ID of the page you want to include. Eg, [pagecontent id=”3″] will insert all content from the page with ID = 3. You can use [pagecontent id=”3″ include_title=”no”] if you want to include the text only, and not the page title.

[googlemap address=”123 somewhere street, Kansas”]

To embed a Google Map iframe, use this shortcode. Google will geocode your address to determine where the pin goes. You can also specify width, height, and zoom. You can also provide ‘class’ to set a CSS class on the iframe element. This will embed both the iFrame and a static image. Use CSS to determine which one is shown. Use CSS media queries for responsive behavior here.



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