Teddy ID is a secure authentication service that allows your users to log in to your site by tapping just one button on user’s phone, without entering a password, yet as secure as modern internet banking sites. Every time a user logs in to your site, TeddyID recognizes the user automatically and sends a picture to his phone and to his computer. The user makes sure the pictures match and approves login by tapping “Yes” button in TeddyID app on his phone. Passwords are no longer needed, and security is ensured by use of two devices associated with the user: a computer and a phone. This is two factor authentication made simple.

Try it for yourself on our site https://www.TeddyID.com.

TeddyID will be displayed as a widget above your page content. In most cases, the entire login flow takes place within this widget and the user never has to leave your site.

New users will be automatically added to your wordpress database. There is an option to auto-generate email addresses to further ease the registration process in case your site doesn’t require emails.

Existing users can link their accounts at your site to their TeddyID accounts in their /wp-admin/ if they want to move from password based authentication to phone based authentication.


  • An example WP login page with TeddyID widget above it.
  • An example WP login page with confirmation picture. User needs to compare this picture with the picture sent to his phone and tap Yes on the phone. He'll be logged in in a few seconds.


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