TCL Categories Image TCL Categories Image

TCL Categories Image

Created by: WP Mirage

Downloaded: 863 times

TCL Categories Images Plugin allow users to add an image to category or custom taxonomies.You can easily assign an image to each category/taxonomy or tag and then display image for category/taxonomy/archive template via following functions.


<?php if (function_exists('tclTaxonomyImage')) tclTaxonomyImage(); ?> to display image
<?php if (function_exists('tclTaxonomyThumbUrl')) echo tclTaxonomyThumbUrl(); ?> to get URL

Here, You can specify image size as a second parameter

<?php if (function_exists('tclTaxonomyImage')) tclTaxonomyImage(NULL,'thumbnail'); ?> to display image
<?php if (function_exists('tclTaxonomyThumbUrl')) echo tclTaxonomyThumbUrl(NULL,'thumbnail'); ?> to get URL


  • Categories image submenu under settings tab
  • Categories image setting detail page
  • Add new category page where you can add image to a category
  • Edit a category page where you can edit/add image to a category


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