Teamgate CRM Forms for WordPress Teamgate CRM Forms for WordPress

Teamgate CRM Forms for WordPress

Created by: Teamgate

Downloaded: 2k times

Teamgate CRM forms for WordPress allows you to connect your WordPress website with your Teamgate account. Your website visitors will be able to fill up the forms you created. A new Lead, Contact or a new Deal will be created from data entered by the website visitor. By automating Lead generation process, you will never lose your potential customers. This way, you can focus more on working with the information sent to Teamgate CRM.

To embed your forms on your WordPress website, you need a Teamgate account. Sign in or Sign up for Teamgate.

Teamgate plugin is a Contact Form 7 extention, so, in order to install this plugin for your WordPress website, first you need to make sure you have Contact Form 7 plugin installed already. The plugin will generate a short code of form that need to be put into your WordPress page editor, in order to see the created form in your website.

1. Sends data from your WordPress website to Teamgate CRM.
2. Allows to select fields that will be sent to Teamgate CRM.
3. Allows to select entry type (Lead, Contact, Deal).
4. Allow to add multiple addresses, emails, phones, urls, tags to contact. For example:
[hidden teamgate-address-type "work"]
[select* teamgate-address-countryIso "Lithuania|LTU" "Andorra|AND" "United Arab Emirates|ARE" "Afghanistan|AFG" "Antigua and Barbuda|ATG" "Anguilla|AIA" "Albania|ALB" "Armenia|ARM" "Angola|AGO" "Antarctica|ATA" "Argentina|ARG" "American Samoa|ASM" "Austria|AUT" "Australia|AUS" "Aruba|ABW" "Åland Islands|ALA" "Azerbaijan|AZE" "Bosnia and Herzegovina|BIH" "Barbados|BRB" "Bangladesh|BGD" "Belgium|BEL" "Burkina Faso|BFA" "Bulgaria|BGR" "Bahrain|BHR" "Burundi|BDI" "Benin|BEN" "Saint Barthélemy|BLM" "Bermuda|BMU" "Brunei|BRN" "Bolivia|BOL" "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius, and Saba|BES" "Brazil|BRA" "Bahamas|BHS" "Bhutan|BTN" "Bouvet Island|BVT" "Botswana|BWA" "Belarus|BLR" "Belize|BLZ" "Canada|CAN" "Cocos (Keeling) Islands|CCK" "Congo (DRC)|COD" "Central African Republic|CAF" "Congo (Republic)|COG" "Switzerland|CHE" "Ivory Coast|CIV" "Cook Islands|COK" "Chile|CHL" "Cameroon|CMR" "China|CHN" "Colombia|COL" "Costa Rica|CRI" "Cuba|CUB" "Cape Verde|CPV" "Curaçao|CUW" "Christmas Island|CXR" "Cyprus|CYP" "Czech Republic|CZE" "Germany|DEU" "Djibouti|DJI" "Denmark|DNK" "Dominica|DMA" "Dominican Republic|DOM" "Algeria|DZA" "Ecuador|ECU" "Estonia|EST" "Egypt|EGY" "Western Sahara|ESH" "Eritrea|ERI" "Spain|ESP" "Ethiopia|ETH" "Finland|FIN" "Fiji|FJI" "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)|FLK" "Micronesia|FSM" "Faroe Islands|FRO" "France|FRA" "Gabon|GAB" "United Kingdom|GBR" "Grenada|GRD" "Georgia|GEO" "French Guiana|GUF" "Guernsey|GGY" "Ghana|GHA" "Gibraltar|GIB" "Greenland|GRL" "Gambia|GMB" "Guinea|GIN" "Guadeloupe|GLP" "Equatorial Guinea|GNQ" "Greece|GRC" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands|SGS" "Guatemala|GTM" "Guam|GUM" "Guinea-Bissau|GNB" "Guyana|GUY" "Hong Kong|HKG" "Heard Island and McDonald Islands|HMD" "Honduras|HND" "Croatia|HRV" "Haiti|HTI" "Hungary|HUN" "Indonesia|IDN" "Ireland|IRL" "Israel|ISR" "Isle of Man|IMN" "India|IND" "British Indian Ocean Territory|IOT" "Iraq|IRQ" "Iran|IRN" "Iceland|ISL" "Italy|ITA" "Jersey|JEY" "Jamaica|JAM" "Jordan|JOR" "Japan|JPN" "Kenya|KEN" "Kyrgyzstan|KGZ" "Cambodia|KHM" "Kiribati|KIR" "Comoros|COM" "Saint Kitts and Nevis|KNA" "North Korea|PRK" "South Korea|KOR" "Kuwait|KWT" "Cayman Islands|CYM" "Kazakhstan|KAZ" "Laos|LAO" "Lebanon|LBN" "Saint Lucia|LCA" "Liechtenstein|LIE" "Sri Lanka|LKA" "Liberia|LBR" "Lesotho|LSO" "Luxembourg|LUX" "Latvia|LVA" "Libya|LBY" "Morocco|MAR" "Monaco|MCO" "Moldova|MDA" "Montenegro|MNE" "Madagascar|MDG" "Marshall Islands|MHL" "Macedonia (FYROM)|MKD" "Mali|MLI" "Myanmar (Burma)|MMR" "Mongolia|MNG" "Macau|MAC" "Northern Mariana Islands|MNP" "Martinique|MTQ" "Mauritania|MRT" "Montserrat|MSR" "Malta|MLT" "Mauritius|MUS" "Maldives|MDV" "Malawi|MWI" "Mexico|MEX" "Malaysia|MYS" "Mozambique|MOZ" "Namibia|NAM" "New Caledonia|NCL" "Niger|NER" "Norfolk Island|NFK" "Nigeria|NGA" "Nicaragua|NIC" "Netherlands|NLD" "Norway|NOR" "Nepal|NPL" "Nauru|NRU" "Niue|NIU" "New Zealand|NZL" "Oman|OMN" "Panama|PAN" "Peru|PER" "French Polynesia|PYF" "Papua New Guinea|PNG" "Philippines|PHL" "Pakistan|PAK" "Poland|POL" "Saint Pierre and Miquelon|SPM" "Pitcairn Islands|PCN" "Puerto Rico|PRI" "Palestinian Territories|PSE" "Portugal|PRT" "Palau|PLW" "Paraguay|PRY" "Qatar|QAT" "Réunion|REU" "Romania|ROU" "Serbia|SRB" "Russia|RUS" "Rwanda|RWA" "Saudi Arabia|SAU" "Solomon Islands|SLB" "Seychelles|SYC" "Sudan|SDN" "Sweden|SWE" "Singapore|SGP" "Saint Helena|SHN" "Slovenia|SVN" "Svalbard and Jan Mayen|SJM" "Slovakia|SVK" "Sierra Leone|SLE" "San Marino|SMR" "Senegal|SEN" "Somalia|SOM" "Suriname|SUR" "São Tomé and Príncipe|STP" "El Salvador|SLV" "Sint Maarten|SXM" "Syria|SYR" "Swaziland|SWZ" "Turks and Caicos Islands|TCA" "Chad|TCD" "French Southern Territories|ATF" "Togo|TGO" "Thailand|THA" "Tajikistan|TJK" "Tokelau|TKL" "East Timor|TLS" "Turkmenistan|TKM" "Tunisia|TUN" "Tonga|TON" "Turkey|TUR" "Trinidad and Tobago|TTO" "Tuvalu|TUV" "Taiwan|TWN" "Tanzania|TZA" "Ukraine|UKR" "Uganda|UGA" "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands|UMI" "Uruguay|URY" "Uzbekistan|UZB" "Vatican City|VAT" "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|VCT" "Venezuela|VEN" "British Virgin Islands|VGB" "U.S. Virgin Islands|VIR" "Vietnam|VNM" "Vanuatu|VUT" "Wallis and Futuna|WLF" "Samoa|WSM" "Yemen|YEM" "Mayotte|MYT" "South Africa|ZAF" "Zambia|ZMB" "Zimbabwe|ZWE" "United States|USA" "South Sudan|SSD"]
[text* teamgate-address-state class=form-control placeholder "*Province"]
[text* teamgate-address-street class=form-control placeholder "*Street, Number"]
[text* teamgate-address-city class=form-control placeholder "*City"]
[text* teamgate-address-zip class=form-control placeholder "*Postal Code"]
[hidden teamgate-address-2-type "home"]
[select* teamgate-address-2-countryIso "Lithuania|LTU" "Andorra|AND" "United Arab Emirates|ARE" "Afghanistan|AFG" "Antigua and Barbuda|ATG" "Anguilla|AIA" "Albania|ALB" "Armenia|ARM" "Angola|AGO" "Antarctica|ATA" "Argentina|ARG" "American Samoa|ASM" "Austria|AUT" "Australia|AUS" "Aruba|ABW" "Åland Islands|ALA" "Azerbaijan|AZE" "Bosnia and Herzegovina|BIH" "Barbados|BRB" "Bangladesh|BGD" "Belgium|BEL" "Burkina Faso|BFA" "Bulgaria|BGR" "Bahrain|BHR" "Burundi|BDI" "Benin|BEN" "Saint Barthélemy|BLM" "Bermuda|BMU" "Brunei|BRN" "Bolivia|BOL" "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius, and Saba|BES" "Brazil|BRA" "Bahamas|BHS" "Bhutan|BTN" "Bouvet Island|BVT" "Botswana|BWA" "Belarus|BLR" "Belize|BLZ" "Canada|CAN" "Cocos (Keeling) Islands|CCK" "Congo (DRC)|COD" "Central African Republic|CAF" "Congo (Republic)|COG" "Switzerland|CHE" "Ivory Coast|CIV" "Cook Islands|COK" "Chile|CHL" "Cameroon|CMR" "China|CHN" "Colombia|COL" "Costa Rica|CRI" "Cuba|CUB" "Cape Verde|CPV" "Curaçao|CUW" "Christmas Island|CXR" "Cyprus|CYP" "Czech Republic|CZE" "Germany|DEU" "Djibouti|DJI" "Denmark|DNK" "Dominica|DMA" "Dominican Republic|DOM" "Algeria|DZA" "Ecuador|ECU" "Estonia|EST" "Egypt|EGY" "Western Sahara|ESH" "Eritrea|ERI" "Spain|ESP" "Ethiopia|ETH" "Finland|FIN" "Fiji|FJI" "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)|FLK" "Micronesia|FSM" "Faroe Islands|FRO" "France|FRA" "Gabon|GAB" "United Kingdom|GBR" "Grenada|GRD" "Georgia|GEO" "French Guiana|GUF" "Guernsey|GGY" "Ghana|GHA" "Gibraltar|GIB" "Greenland|GRL" "Gambia|GMB" "Guinea|GIN" "Guadeloupe|GLP" "Equatorial Guinea|GNQ" "Greece|GRC" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands|SGS" "Guatemala|GTM" "Guam|GUM" "Guinea-Bissau|GNB" "Guyana|GUY" "Hong Kong|HKG" "Heard Island and McDonald Islands|HMD" "Honduras|HND" "Croatia|HRV" "Haiti|HTI" "Hungary|HUN" "Indonesia|IDN" "Ireland|IRL" "Israel|ISR" "Isle of Man|IMN" "India|IND" "British Indian Ocean Territory|IOT" "Iraq|IRQ" "Iran|IRN" "Iceland|ISL" "Italy|ITA" "Jersey|JEY" "Jamaica|JAM" "Jordan|JOR" "Japan|JPN" "Kenya|KEN" "Kyrgyzstan|KGZ" "Cambodia|KHM" "Kiribati|KIR" "Comoros|COM" "Saint Kitts and Nevis|KNA" "North Korea|PRK" "South Korea|KOR" "Kuwait|KWT" "Cayman Islands|CYM" "Kazakhstan|KAZ" "Laos|LAO" "Lebanon|LBN" "Saint Lucia|LCA" "Liechtenstein|LIE" "Sri Lanka|LKA" "Liberia|LBR" "Lesotho|LSO" "Luxembourg|LUX" "Latvia|LVA" "Libya|LBY" "Morocco|MAR" "Monaco|MCO" "Moldova|MDA" "Montenegro|MNE" "Madagascar|MDG" "Marshall Islands|MHL" "Macedonia (FYROM)|MKD" "Mali|MLI" "Myanmar (Burma)|MMR" "Mongolia|MNG" "Macau|MAC" "Northern Mariana Islands|MNP" "Martinique|MTQ" "Mauritania|MRT" "Montserrat|MSR" "Malta|MLT" "Mauritius|MUS" "Maldives|MDV" "Malawi|MWI" "Mexico|MEX" "Malaysia|MYS" "Mozambique|MOZ" "Namibia|NAM" "New Caledonia|NCL" "Niger|NER" "Norfolk Island|NFK" "Nigeria|NGA" "Nicaragua|NIC" "Netherlands|NLD" "Norway|NOR" "Nepal|NPL" "Nauru|NRU" "Niue|NIU" "New Zealand|NZL" "Oman|OMN" "Panama|PAN" "Peru|PER" "French Polynesia|PYF" "Papua New Guinea|PNG" "Philippines|PHL" "Pakistan|PAK" "Poland|POL" "Saint Pierre and Miquelon|SPM" "Pitcairn Islands|PCN" "Puerto Rico|PRI" "Palestinian Territories|PSE" "Portugal|PRT" "Palau|PLW" "Paraguay|PRY" "Qatar|QAT" "Réunion|REU" "Romania|ROU" "Serbia|SRB" "Russia|RUS" "Rwanda|RWA" "Saudi Arabia|SAU" "Solomon Islands|SLB" "Seychelles|SYC" "Sudan|SDN" "Sweden|SWE" "Singapore|SGP" "Saint Helena|SHN" "Slovenia|SVN" "Svalbard and Jan Mayen|SJM" "Slovakia|SVK" "Sierra Leone|SLE" "San Marino|SMR" "Senegal|SEN" "Somalia|SOM" "Suriname|SUR" "São Tomé and Príncipe|STP" "El Salvador|SLV" "Sint Maarten|SXM" "Syria|SYR" "Swaziland|SWZ" "Turks and Caicos Islands|TCA" "Chad|TCD" "French Southern Territories|ATF" "Togo|TGO" "Thailand|THA" "Tajikistan|TJK" "Tokelau|TKL" "East Timor|TLS" "Turkmenistan|TKM" "Tunisia|TUN" "Tonga|TON" "Turkey|TUR" "Trinidad and Tobago|TTO" "Tuvalu|TUV" "Taiwan|TWN" "Tanzania|TZA" "Ukraine|UKR" "Uganda|UGA" "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands|UMI" "Uruguay|URY" "Uzbekistan|UZB" "Vatican City|VAT" "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|VCT" "Venezuela|VEN" "British Virgin Islands|VGB" "U.S. Virgin Islands|VIR" "Vietnam|VNM" "Vanuatu|VUT" "Wallis and Futuna|WLF" "Samoa|WSM" "Yemen|YEM" "Mayotte|MYT" "South Africa|ZAF" "Zambia|ZMB" "Zimbabwe|ZWE" "United States|USA" "South Sudan|SSD"]
[text* teamgate-address-2-state class=form-control placeholder "*Province"]
[text* teamgate-address-2-street class=form-control placeholder "*Street, Number"]
[text* teamgate-address-2-city class=form-control placeholder "*City"]
[text* teamgate-address-2-zip class=form-control placeholder "*Postal Code"]

Or tags from multiple fields are merged into one list:
[text teamgate-tags class=form-control placeholder "Tags"]
[select* teamgate-tags-2 first_as_label "*Tags2?" "OOP" "Clock"]
[checkbox* teamgate-tags-1 include_blank *Tags? "Hey" "Bam" "Bim"]

Or with urls/phones/emails:
[email teamgate-email "Email Address"]
[hidden teamgate-email-2-type "home"]
[email teamgate-email-2 "Email Address 2"]

Same applies to urls and phones.

  1. Allow to attach files to entity, by adding file fields to form. If teamgate-entry-handler submit button is present all files will be forwarded to teamgate.

Contact us for more for additional features.


  • assets/screenshot-1.png
  • assets/screenshot-2.png
  • assets/screenshot-3.png
  • assets/screenshot-4.png
  • assets/screenshot-5.png


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