Tecnosenior FAQ Manager

Created by: Pedro Kiefer

Downloaded: 964 times


  • MVC Based Plugin
  • AJAX Based Administration Interfaces
  • Skins for shortcode tag: you can create your own skin!
  • Full text search, using mysql FULLTEXT support
  • Email notifications
  • Easily Translatable
  • I18N: English and Brazilian Portuguese

Development happens on github



To create a skin, just add a new directory under skins with your new skin. Inside the directory there should be a PHP
file with a custom header and two functions. Those functions are called by the shortcode renderer, don’t change the name of
the functions!

Skin Header

The file header is composed of the following fields, just like any WordPress theme or plugin – inside a multi line comment on
the first 8kb of the file.

  • Skin Name
  • Description
  • Version
  • Author
  • Author URI


The following functions should be on your skin file:

function tsc_skin_get_headers()
function tsc_skin_render($group, $questions)

The first function is responsible for adding to the headers any needed javascript or css. It must return an array with the keys js and css. The code below include jquery, jquery-ui and a custom javascript file. It also include the needed css file.

function tsc_skin_get_headers()
    $headers = array(
        "js" => array(
            array("name" => "tecnosenior-faq", "file" => plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "/tecnosenior-faq.js")
        "css" => array("tecnosenior-faq" => plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "/tecnosenior-faq.css")

    return $headers;

The second function receive two objects containing the data that should be rendered. It must return a string.


A single group object with this fields:
– Id
– GroupName
– SearchBox
– AskBox
– Status
– CreationDate


An array of question objects with this fields available:
– Id
– GroupId
– QuestionOrder
– Question
– WhoAsked
– Answer
– Status
– Type
– CreationDate

Sample code, for skin renderer:

function tsc_skin_render($group, $questions)
    $html = "";
    if ($group->SearchBox) {
        $html .= render_search_box($group->Id);

    $i = 0;
    $html .= "<div class=\"span-14 prepend-1 append-1 last faq-questions\" id=\"faq-questions-list\">\n";
    foreach ($questions as $q) {
        $html .= render_question($q, ($i % 2 == 1));
    $html .= "</div>";

    if ($group->AskBox) {
        $html .= render_ask_box($group->Id);

    return $html;



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