The Cache Purger The Cache Purger

The Cache Purger

Created by: Kevin C Pirnie

Downloaded: 5k times

This plugin attempts to purge all server-side caching methods.

This includes the most common caching plugins, some hosting based caches, most server based caches, built-in WordPress object caches,
and even simple file based caches.


Built in automatic cache purging for the following caches:

  • Plugins
    • SiteGround Optimizer, Nginx Helper, LiteSpeed Cache, Cachify, Autoptimize, Fast Velocity Minify, WP Rocket, Swift Performance,
      Comet Cache, Hummingbird, WP Fastest Cache, WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, Hyper Cache, WP Optimize, Cache Enabler, NitroPack,
      Flying Press, etc…
    • Check the changelog below for new additions…
  • Hosting / CDN
    • WPEngine, Kinsta, GoDaddy Managed WordPress, Pantheon, Bluehost, Cloudways, Siteground, RunCloud, Fastly, etc…
      • Some of these are dependant on separate plugins. Please see your provider if it is necessary, or already included
      • Check the changelog below for new additions…
  • Server Based
    • PHP FPM, Zend Opcache, APC and APCU, WinCache, Pagespeed Module, nGinx, Static File Caches, Redis, Memcache, Memcached, Varnish
    • Check the changelog below for new additions…
  • WordPress Built-In object caching, and persistent object caching

Purges are configurable in the settings, and include the following saves/updates/trashes:
* Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, Categories, Taxonomies, Widgets, Menus, Plugins, Updates, Settings & Options,
GravityForms (if installed and activated), Advanced Custom Fields (if installed and activated),
WooCommerce Settings (if installed and activated)


  • Settings 1
  • Settings 2
  • Settings 3 - Showing GravityForms Activated
  • Settings 4 - Showing ACF Activated
  • Logged Purged Object


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