Tiny Table Of Contents – TinyTOC Tiny Table Of Contents – TinyTOC

Tiny Table Of Contents – TinyTOC

Created by: Marijan Šuflaj

Downloaded: 4k times

Plugin that enables you to create table of contents in your posts and pages. You can choose what it will parse, and what
it will not parse. It’s very simple to use from your editor
so you do not have to manualy enter tags. Now it’s nothing special, but later it will have much more features including
some predefined styles and more styling control.

Planned Features

  • Custom TOC tag (so you dont have to use [tinytoc lev="lv"]cont[/tinytoc])

Source SVN

  • svn checkout http://svn.wp-plugins.org/tiny-table-of-contents-tinytoc/trunk/ tiny-table-of-contents-tinytoc


  • Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/php4every1
  • Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1296304925&ref=mf
  • Plugin home: http://php4every1.com/scripts/tiny-table-of-contents-wordpress-plugin/
  • Documentation: http://php4every1.com/scripts/tiny-table-of-contents-wordpress-plugin/#Documentation-1


  • Part of <code>Plugin summary</code> page
  • An other part of <code>Plugin summary</code> page
  • Part of <code>Plugin settings</code> page
  • An other part of <code>Plugin settings</code> page
  • Also a part of <code>Plugin settings</code> page


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