Tismy User Profile Upload Tismy User Profile Upload

Tismy User Profile Upload

Created by: Elliott Richmond Square One

Downloaded: 3k times

Sometimes handing your site over to clients or when you run a site with multiple users if can be a pain to explain how your
users can create their own profile picture for comments or any other custom functionality that uses the get_avatar() function.

Before they would have to create a global Gravatar account which is fine if that’s what you want however, with this plugin there
is no need to rely on your users having a Gravatar account.

This plugin will allow the users on your WordPress site to upload their own Profile Picture through the Media Library either by Uploading a new file or choosing one from the Media Library.


  • This simply replaces the user profile image where ever the get_avatar() function is used.
  • Edit My Profile page with the new user profile upload.


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