TukuToi Hierarchical Posts Tree View TukuToi Hierarchical Posts Tree View

TukuToi Hierarchical Posts Tree View

Created by: TukuToi

Downloaded: 591 times

When you have a Hierarchical Post Type such as Pages, it is often difficult to keep track of the Hierarchy and the related Child Or Parent posts of a certain item.
In the WordPress posts list, when you search by a given Post, you won’t see the related Parent or Child items connected to it, in the resulting posts list.
Thus you need to edit the post, to see what parent Posts it has. You still can’t find its children post this way.

The TukuToi Hierarchical Posts Tree View Plugin adds a WordPress Dashboard Widget to display hierarchical Pages or Posts in a searchable list, which keeps showing the parent and child posts of the search result.
Thus, it resolves this organzational problem.

By default, the Plugin queries the native WordPress Page post type, and it displays a (foldable and searchable) list of each Parent Pages Children posts.
The entire list is searchable, and the search results will be highlighted.
The entire “tree” of each search result will keep showing, thus allowing you to very easily find related parent or child posts of a search result.

Links to edit each page are integrated in the results, allowing for a quick navigation to edit each item in the list.

With filters, the post type to query can be changed to any hierarchical post type, and additional Widgets can be added (one each post type).


  • Default Tree View Widget Showing Hierarchical Pages
  • Default Widget showing a Custom Hierarchical Post Type
  • The search results with complete "family tree"
  • Custom Widget added


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