Created by: Matthew Barby

Downloaded: 2k times

TLDR takes a whole new approach to lead generation from your content. Instead of interrupting your website visitors by firing tons of popups, welcome mats and scrolling boxes, TLDR actually improves the experience of your users.

Using TLDR you can add short summaries for each of your blog posts and then embed relevant call-to-action (CTA) boxes at the end to offer content upgrades and capture email address data. Not only are you reducing the bounce rate from your longer content but you’re able to add relevant and non-intrusive CTAs closer to the top of your content.

Features of TLDR include:

  • Add a custom TLDR summary button to your blog posts.
  • Add individual CTAs to any of your blog posts that sit within the summary section.
  • CTA clicks and button clicks are automatically tracked in Google Analytics.
  • Summaries only appear on posts that you choose, otherwise the option will be hidden.
  • Embed your own custom forms by adding shortcodes within the summary sections.
  • Completely customise the design of your CTA boxes and the TLDR button within the plugin settings.
  • Works seamlessly on mobile, unlike a lot of other lead generation tools.

For more information, visit (


  • I am always open to your suggestions and feedback – let me know what you think could be done better and I’ll add it to my feature request list 🙂
  • Follow me @matthewbarby on Twitter
  • Follow me on my Facebook page
  • Or get in touch with me via my website.


  • TLDR plugin in action on my blog.
  • Summary meta box that can be found below each of your blog posts within WordPress admin.
  • CTA meta box that can be found below each of your blog posts within WordPress admin.
  • TLDR being activated within a blog post to show a summary and relevant CTA.
  • Some of the customisation options within the plugin settings page.


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