Total User Count Shortcode Total User Count Shortcode

Total User Count Shortcode

Created by: Morgan Hvidt

Downloaded: 4k times

Total User Count Shortcode provides a simple way to display the number of registered users on your WordPress site. It’s a lightweight plugin with no admin screen, offering a straightforward shortcode: [total_user_count].


  • Display Total Users: Use [total_user_count] to show the total number of users.
  • Filter by Role: Specify a user role to display counts for, e.g., [total_user_count role="customer"] for WooCommerce customers.
  • Combine Roles: Tally multiple roles together, e.g., [total_user_count role="subscriber, author"].
  • Support for Custom Roles: Works with custom user roles added by other plugins.

Common WordPress User Roles:

  • subscriber
  • author
  • editor
  • contributor
  • administrator
  • customer (WooCommerce)

Social Proof:

Showcase your site’s popularity by displaying the number of users anywhere on your site using the shortcode.


  • Total User Count Shortcode display on page
  • Total User Count shortcode for WordPress user roles.


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