TP Product Quick View for Woocommerce TP Product Quick View for Woocommerce

TP Product Quick View for Woocommerce

Created by: TP Plugins

Downloaded: 1k times

TP Product Quick View for Woocommerce adds a ‘quick view’ button to product loops that show product details in a lightbox when clicked with a lot of new features.
Let your customers Quick View to all product information by click and much more…

Learn more about TP Product Quick View for Woocommerce Plugin features.


Click Here to Get the Pro Version

Free Plugin Features

  • Responsive Layout.
  • Quick View Button Type (text / icon / text and icon).
  • Quick View Link Label (Change “Quick View” Button name).
  • Quick View Button Position.
  • Close the lightbox by clicking the background overlay.
  • Customize “Quick View” color , background , font size and more…
  • Add to cart directly from Quick View.
  • Select Fields to Show: Product Rating, Product Price, Product Short Description, Product Long Description, Product Add to Cart, Product SKU, Product Categories, Product Tags, Product Attributes
  • 100% mobile friendly.
  • Working with Most of Premium themes.

Pro Version Features

  • Responsive Layout.
  • Navigate Between Products by Arrows.
  • Quick View Button Type (text / icon / text and icon).
  • Quick View Link Label (Change “Quick View” Button name).
  • Quick View Button Position.
  • Show Gallery if Product Have Gallery.
  • Change Big Image by Thumbnail onmouseover / click.
  • Close the lightbox by clicking the background overlay.
  • Show/Hide Gallery Thumbnails images.
  • Customize “Quick View” color , background , font size and more…
  • Add to cart directly from Quick View.
  • Ajax Add to cart directly from Quick View no Refresh Window.
  • Customize “SALE” color , background , font size.
  • Select Fields to Show: Product Rating, Product Price, Product Short Description, Product Long Description, Product Add to Cart, Product SKU, Product Categories, Product Tags, Product Attributes
  • Select Quantity Type: beautiful quantity with plus / minus buttons.
  • Show Related Products in Carousel Slider.
  • Custom CSS.
  • Share Buttons.
  • Change Lightbox Model Width / Height.
  • RTL support.
  • 100% mobile friendly.
  • Working with Most of Premium themes.

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