TP Travel Package

Created by: Theme Palace

Downloaded: 3k times

A plugin to add custom post type ( Destination and Package ) and it’s required meta fields for travel sites. This plugin is dedicated for travel themes.

Template Overwrite

* Create a folder named "tp-travel-packagee" and do all the overwrites inside the folder as instructed below.
* Archive Pages
    - you can overwrite all archive pages for post types available in this plugin. ie: tp-archive-package.php
* Search Page
    - you can overwrite package search page for post types available in this plugin by tp-package-search.php
* Single Pages
- you can overwrite all single pages for post types available in this plugin. ie: tp-single-package.php

Functions to Call Meta Values

Destination Details

tp_destination_quote( $post_id = '' ); // Destination Quote
tp_destination_rating_value( $post_id = '' ); // Destination Rating value in number
tp_destination_rating( $post_id = '' ); // Destination Rating value in stars

Package Details

tp_package_quote( $post_id = '' ); // Package Quote
tp_package_price( $post_id = '' ); // Package Price
tp_package_pax( $post_id = '' ); // No of people for package
tp_package_days( $post_id = '' ); // No of days for package
tp_package_difficulty( $post_id = '' ); // Package Diffifulty
tp_package_date( $post_id = '' ); // Package Departure
tp_package_destination( $post_id = '' ); // Package Destinaiton
tp_package_destination_link( $post_id = '' ); // Package Destinaiton with link<h3>Files</h3>
jQuery UI - v1.12.0
License: ( Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT )



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