TSEO Portfolio allows you to display a gallery of websites that you have developed with WordPress. Each entry displays an image, title, description, and six buttons that link to the website, PageSpeed Mobile, PageSpeed Desktop, Pingdom, GTmetrix, and Google Rich Results, enabling each visitor to analyze the quality of each website.

Key Features:
– Display a visually appealing gallery of your web projects.
– Showcase your web development skills to your audience.
– Enable visitors to assess the quality of each website with ease.
– Seamlessly link to critical performance analysis tools like PageSpeed Mobile, PageSpeed Desktop, Pingdom, GTmetrix, and Google Rich Results.
– Enhance your online portfolio’s impact and professionalism.

Whether you’re a web developer, designer, or digital agency, TSEO Portfolio simplifies the process of presenting your work in a user-friendly and engaging manner. Elevate your online presence and impress your clients with the quality of your web projects today!


  • Frontend View Screen: Displays how the website gallery appears on the frontend of your site.
  • Backend Settings Screen: Shows the available options and configurations in the admin panel.
  • Add New Site in Backend: Illustrates the process of adding a new website to your gallery.
  • "Display in Gallery" Metabox: Highlights the checkbox option that allows users to control whether a post or page is displayed in the gallery or not.
  • Ordering and Display in the Gallery: Describes how you can adjust the order in which websites appear in your gallery and how they are presented.
  • Shortcode Metabox: Demonstrates how to use the shortcode to integrate the gallery into your pages or posts.


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