On This Day allows you to view blog posts with the same month and day in history on your blog’s website (similar to Facebook’s new “On This Day” App) via widget or on pages and posts using shortcodes. On This Day has five (5) layouts and can include thumbnails, post gallery and quotes.


Add On This Day to posts and pages by using a shortcode inside your text or evaluated from within your theme. You may override page/post On This Day options with shortcode attributes defined on the plugin’s settings page.

  • [tsp-on-this-day] – Will display posts with the default options defined in the plugin’s settings page.
  • [tsp-on-this-day title="Title of Posts" keep_formatting="N" style="color: red;" max_words=10 show_quotes="N" show_thumb="Y" show_event_data="N" show_author="Y" show_date"N" display_type="0" show_private="N" show_text_posts="N" number_posts="5" excerpt_max=100 excerpt_min=60 post_class="" fpost_type="post" slider_width="865" slider_height="365 layout="0" order_by="DESC" thumb_width="80" thumb_height="80" read_more_text="more..." no_posts_msg="No Posts Found" before_title="" after_title=""] – Will override all attributes defined on the plugin’s settings page.


  • On This Day displayed on the front-end.


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