Schedule Tweets – TweetBoost Free Schedule Tweets – TweetBoost Free

Schedule Tweets – TweetBoost Free

Created by: Matt Bissett, Hudson Atwell

Downloaded: 1k times

Simple and Easy To Use

TweetBoost Free helps content creators quickly create and schedule Twitter tweets from within the post edit screen.

This plugin is a light weight version of our amazingly powerful TweetBoost PRO plugin.

Powerful Dashboard Widgets

TweetBoost Free provides powerful Dashboard Widgets to help manage scheduling.

1. The Calendar Widget

Our Calendar Widget easily and beautifully visualizes your Twitter publishing schedule over the course of many months, years.

2. The Action Log Widget

Our Action Log widget shows all events that pass through the TweetBoost Free system. Some case-example events are:

  • Successfully Published Tweets
  • Unsuccessful Tweet Publishing Attempts
  • Bad API Connections


  • Quickly schedule Tweets to Twitter without ever leaving the post edit screen.
  • At any point in time, change the content of a Tweet to schedule a brand new Tweet for the same content.
  • Visualize scheduled Tweets within our special Dashboard calendar widget.
  • View all action events, such as successful tweets, or even unsuccessful tweets, within our special Action Log Widget.
  • Scheduled Tweets CAN include images uploaded from the post media gallery.

Developers & Designers

TweetBoost FREE is a collaborative project between two experts, Matthew Bissett & Hudson Atwell. Combined they have over 16 years experience in the WordPress sector.


  • This Tweet Has Been Scheduled!
  • Creating Tweets (Explained)
  • Dashboard Widgets (Explained)
  • Our Calendar Widget (Explained)


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