Twitter Account Box aka TAB Twitter Account Box aka TAB

Twitter Account Box aka TAB

Created by: Janne Saarela

Downloaded: 1k times

Plugin that adds your Twitter account details box in your WordPress site via widget.

Work in progress… but it’s working! Like this:

Visit plugin site

Roadmap towards version 1.0

This plugin works already. But there’s still things TODO:

  • Enable Twitter authentication as default (maybe Premium?)
  • Figure out if it’s possible to check if user already follows the account and show “Following”-button instead of “Follow”-button
  • Style Tweet button and load Twitter images locally if user is using any “anti social media”-plugin in browser
  • Style admin panel options-page
  • Make TAB more responsive
  • Better error handling
  • Documentation
  • Test with different WP-versions


  • You can use this shortcode in posts and pages: [twitter_account_box]

Next version: 0.3.0

  • Better error handling with tweet data and code refactoring

Version: 0.4.0

  • Support to favorite tweets


Did you notice a bug?
Please tell about it: janne [AT]
Or open an issue on GitHub



  • Admin panel settings
  • Twitter Account Box in action
  • Go to and click "Developers -> Documentation"
  • Click "Manage My Apps"
  • Click "Create New App"
  • Create Twitter App
  • Go to "API-keys" page and click "Create Access Token"
  • Get key, token and secrets


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