Twitter API Shortcodes Twitter API Shortcodes

Twitter API Shortcodes

Created by: Ryan J. Geyer

Downloaded: 1k times

Twitter API Shortcodes (TAS for short) is currently in Alpha, and should not be considered at all stable! With that said
please provide any feedback so we can make things better!

TAS allows you to put single tweets or entire twitter searches into your posts and pages using shortcodes. The tweets and searches
are displayed in HTML markup, so the become “part” of your site, which is good for SEO.

The generated markup can be customized by putting a tweet.tpl (smarty template) file into your theme directory. This also means that
theme authors can support this plugin directly.

Tweet templates assume that each tweet is in some block with the class ‘status’ (preferably a div like so


div class=”status”>), and that in that block, there is a block for images with the class ‘images’ (preferably a div like so


div class=”images”>)

All single tweets are cached in your local wordpress database, making performance ultra fast and reducing the number of requests
necessary to the Twitter API.

Twitter searches can also be cached, allowing you to keep a history of that particular search. This is useful if you want to
tweet about a particular event with a hash tag, then display all of your tweets for that event on a page, or in a post even
after those tweets fall out of the twitter search index.


This is a list of things which currently are not yet working (hey it’s an alpha version)
* Avatar updates


  • TinyMCE editor integration makes it easy to add the shortcodes
  • A post with some shortcodes in it
  • The shortcodes rendered in a post


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