Twitter Friendly Links Twitter Friendly Links

Twitter Friendly Links

Created by: Konstantin Kovshenin

Downloaded: 32k times

The plugin creates a shorter link for every blog post, so instead of you can use Sweet, huh? Here’s a video presentation: Twitter Friendly Links for WordPress

  • Easy to setup and configure
  • Switch between 302 (temporary) and 301 (permanent) redirection
  • Lists all your posts/pages/attachments with short links to each
  • Shows the short link in the edit post/page form together with the text you can tweet out (trimmed to 140 characters) and a link to Twitter with the predefined text
  • You can output the twitter friendly link in your themes using the twitter_link() function
  • New function available: permalink_to_twitter_link() which takes a permalink as an argument and returns a Twitter Friendly Link (if exists)
  • Compatible with Sociable, Twitter Tools, Tweet This, SexyBookmarks and AskApache Google 404 plugins
  • Compatible with WordPress MU and BuddyPress
  • Configurable linking relations (HTML and HTTP) for rel=shortlink, and rel=canonical
  • Super easy tracking with Google Analytics! Destination links are Taggable!
  • You can now switch to alphanumeric links for sexy links with numbers and letters like
  • Caching with .htaccess option now available
  • Even shorter links with customizable shortlink base URL
  • More coming up soon!

YES, I do consider feature requests, and that is what makes this plugin work. The discussions go here: Twitter Friendly Links


  • The configuration panel
  • The posts with the pretty links
  • The edit post form


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