Twitter posts to Blog Twitter posts to Blog

Twitter posts to Blog

Created by: Damian Gomez

Downloaded: 25k times

Source Available on GitHub

Fork Me on GitHub

With this plugin you can stream tweets to your blog, it’s simply to use

  • Go to the plugin settings menu “Twitter To WP” under “Dashboard”
  • Configure the plugin options eg.:
  • Capabilities: here you can select who can change settings of this plugin
  • Cron time: choose how much time must pass before load new items, use “never” to disable
  • Publish status: Choose how the plugin create articles: published or draft
  • Posts Tags: Type tags you want append to each tweet (dont use query strings here)
  • Posts categories: Choose categories you want append to each tweet post
  • Body images: Check if you want to insert images into body of the posts
  • Body text: Check if you want to insert the tweet text into body of the posts
  • Images size: deprecated, witing for feedback about the use of this image (the user avatar)
  • Items at time: choose how much tweets want to import each time the cron run
  • Max Title Length: because the title is the tweet text here you can choose the lenght of the title (truncate tweet text) (0 = no title)
  • Post Modifications: here you can remove from tweets #hastags and/or @replies – Tanks to sforsberg
  • Words blacklist: insert unwanted words to the blacklist (comma separated) tweets with choosed words will be ignored
  • Your search queryes: here you can add or remove terms for tweets import, here the query samples

Built by @iWafer / Damian Gomez

For my projects see


  • Twitter api has some limitations, one of this is the last week limitation for Standard Search Api

Examples To Finds tweets…

  • twitter search – containing both “twitter” and “search”. This is the default operator
  • “happy hour” – containing the exact phrase “happy hour”
  • love OR hate – containing either “love” or “hate” (or both)
  • beer -root – containing “beer” but not “root”
  • #haiku – containing the hashtag “haiku”
  • from:twitterapi – sent from the user @twitterapi
  • to:twitterapi – sent to the user @twitterapi
  • place:opentable:2 – about the place with OpenTable ID 2
  • place:247f43d441defc03 – about the place with Twitter ID 247f43d441defc03
  • @twitterapi – mentioning @twitterapi
  • superhero since:2011-05-09 – containing “superhero” and sent since date “2011-05-09” (year-month-day).
  • twitterapi until:2011-05-09 – containing “twitterapi” and sent before the date “2011-05-09”.
  • movie -scary 🙂 – containing “movie”, but not “scary”, and with a positive attitude.
  • flight 🙁 – containing “flight” and with a negative attitude.
  • traffic ? – containing “traffic” and asking a question.
  • hilarious filter:links – containing “hilarious” and with a URL.
  • news source:tweet_button – containing “news” and entered via the Tweet Button


Want more functionality or some modifications? Ok tell me wath you want and i try to add or modify the plugin functions


  • Configuration panel.
  • List items matching configuration and alow to publish manually.
  • Twitter app configuration panel


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