WP 2FA with Telegram WP 2FA with Telegram

WP 2FA with Telegram

Created by: dueclic

Downloaded: 7k times

WP 2FA with Telegram allows you to enable Two-factor authentication for WordPress Login using Telegram.

  • Easy Configuration: install plugin and setup in a few seconds.
  • Increase security: increase the level of security in your blog / website by adding and additional authentication factor
  • Speed: Forget additional apps, sms or captcha. Use Telegram for a very fast experience!
  • Allow users to enable Two-factor authentication: every user directly from own profile may decide to require secure login.
  • Send alert: set a Telegram Chat Id for an admin to receive for receiving notifications every time users fail login.
  • FAQ: read the FAQ inside plugin for create your Telegram Bot
  • Languages: plugin is available in Italian, English and Spanish languages.


  • This is the setup tab. Here you must to enter your bot token and your chat ID. The plugin only works when this info is filled. Optinally, you can choose to show or not the site name and site URL in the  failed attempt to access message.
  • After configuring your bot token and chat ID, you will see a confirmation notice with a link to configure two-factor authentication with Telegram with your current user.
  • You will also find a tab with the FAQ.
  • After configuring your bot token and chat ID, you will able to activate two-factor authentication with Telegram for your current user.
  • The login page will show a second screen after the user's login has been successful. You must enter here your authentication code that your Telegram bot will send you to continue to the WordPress dashboard.
  • This plugin send three type of messages: 1. A message to each user when setup two-factor authentication with Telegram, 2. A message with access code for each time an users with two-factor authentication with Telegram enabled try login to your WordPress dashboard, 3. A message to admin for each time a user failed attempt to access.
  • You can customize the logo with yours using "two_factor_login_telegram_logo" filter hook. See the instructions of use in FAQ.


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