Ultimate Post List Ultimate Post List

Ultimate Post List

Created by: Kybernetik Services

Downloaded: 57k times

Make up custom-tailored preview lists of your website’s contents easily and place them in widget areas and post contents.

Promote your website’s content with many kinds of post lists. No programming skills are necessary. No fiddling with templates. With just a few keyboard entries and clicks you get a customized posts list.

The plugin Ultimate Post List for WordPress gives you an easy-to-use toolbox to make lists of posts. You can insert the lists

  • as widgets in every widget area per drag’n’drop easily
  • via configurable shortcodes in every post content
  • via calls of the function upl_print_list() in PHP code

You can switch between a vertical list layout or a responsive grid layout. A few options help you to get a nice layout without any need to code.

You can filter the posts by their post type “Post” or/and “Page” and by multiple categories. For filtering by custom post types check out Ultimate Post List Pro.

You can switch on a “Load more posts” link or button which loads further posts without leaving the page. Its text is controlled easily for you.

The plugin is multi-widget capable. That is, you can have several widgets of Ultimate Post List on your blog, each with its own settings!

You can clone (duplicate, copy) every list with a single click on the action link.

The plugin is available in English, German (Deutsch) and Greek (Ελληνικά). It does not collect any personal data, so it is ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance.


You want to test Ultimate Post List before installing on your site? Try it out on your individual and free dummy site and click here.

Options you can set

The free version of Ultimate Post List offers you many options to type and click customized post lists easily. These are the options:

  • List Options
    • List Display Options
      • List Visibility
      • Text if no posts
    • List Title Options
      • List title
      • URL of list title
      • HTML element of list title
  • Post List Options
    • Post List Options In General
      • Number of posts
      • Posts offset
      • Hide current viewed post in list
      • Show sticky posts on top of the list
    • Posts Sort Order
      • Order by
        • Post date
        • Post title
        • Post author
      • Order direction
        • Ascending
        • Descending
  • Post Filter Options
    • Post Type Filter
      • Show posts of selected types: posts or/and pages
    • Category Filter
      • Show posts of selected categories only
      • Show only posts that are in all selected categories
  • Post List Item Options
    • Post Data Order
      • Position of post thumbnail
      • Position of post title
      • Position of post date
      • Position of post author name
      • Position of post excerpt
    • Post Display Options
      • Show post thumbnail (default)
      • Show post title (default)
      • Show post date
      • Show post author name
      • Show post excerpt
    • Post Links Options
      • Set post title clickable (default)
      • Set post thumbnail clickable (default)
      • Set post date clickable, pointing to the month archive
      • Set post author clickable, pointing to the author’s archive
      • Set post excerpt clickable
      • Open post links in new windows
    • Post Title Options
      • Maximum length of post title
      • Text after shortened title
    • Post Date Options
      • Format of the post date (over 100 options available)
    • Post Thumbnail Options
      • Source of the post thumbnail
        • Featured image
        • First post content image if previously uploaded to the media library
        • Featured image if the first post content image is not available
        • First post content image if the featured image is not available
        • Avatars of post authors
      • Use post title as the alternative text for the thumbnail
      • Use default thumbnail if no image could be ascertained
        • URL of default thumbnail
        • Thumbnail size
      • Width of thumbnail in px
      • Height of thumbnail in px
      • Use aspect ratios of original images
      • Alignment of thumbnail
        • Align left
        • Align center
        • Align right
      • Top image margin width in px
      • Bottom image margin width in px
      • Left image margin width in px
      • Right image margin width in px
      • Flow of text at the thumbnail (wrap right/left or side by side)
    • Post Excerpt Options
      • Maximum length of post excerpt
      • Text after shortened excerpt
      • Ignore post excerpt field as excerpt source
      • Ignore post content as excerpt source
  • “More” Element Options
    • “More” Element Appearance
      • Show a clickable “More” element for loading further list items at the bottom of the list
      • “More” element type
        • Show element as a link
        • Show element as a button
      • Label of “More” element
      • Show icon while new posts are loaded
      • Icon style
        • Small icons
          • Small gray circle with rotating dot
          • Small turning wheel
        • Big icons
          • Big gray circle with rotating dot
          • Big turning wheel
      • Text that appears when no further posts have been found
  • List Layout Options
    • List Layout Type: vertical list or responsive grid
    • Grid item width in px
    • Minimal height of grid item in px
    • List Item Margin Options
      • Top item margin in px
      • Bottom item margin in px
      • Left item margin in px
      • Right item margin in px

Additional options in the Pro version

The Pro version has all the options of the free version and many additional options for layouts, numbered lists, colors, custom post types and much more. Go to Ultimate Post List Pro.

Pro users get premium support whilst free support is offered in the WordPress forums in our spare time.


Support for this plugin will be provided in the form of Product Support. This means that we intend to fix any confirmed bugs, listen to ideas for this plugin and improve the user experience when enhancements are identified and can reasonably be accommodated.

Pro users get premium support whilst free support is offered in the WordPress forums in our spare time. If you are having trouble with this plugin in your particular installation of WordPress, we will not be able to help you troubleshoot the problem.


  • The edit page of the Ultimate Post List in english language
  • The widget form of an Ultimate Post List in english language
  • Examples of Ultimate Post Lists on one page: lists as content and as widgets
  • Example of an Ultimate Post List widget with avatars of the post authors as thumbnails


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