Ultimate Testimonials Ultimate Testimonials

Ultimate Testimonials

Created by: David Gwyer

Downloaded: 1k times

The only testimonials plugin you’ll ever need! Fully functional features include front end testimonial submission, random testimonials, and a built-in ratings system.

Create beautiful testimonials and display them via shortcodes, widgets, or a fixed URL (e.g. yoursite.com/testimonials).

Ultimate Testimonials is an all-in-one solution for adding testimonials to your site. Create them very quickly and easily via the dedicated testimonials editor, then optionally add them to one or more testimonial groups for flexible display options. Each testimonial can belong to a single group, multiple groups, or no groups.

Display testimonials anywhere on your site. e.g. headers, footers, sidebars, or in posts and pages!

Easily create a new testimonial via the dedicated editor and include all the information you want to display such as:

  • Title
  • Message
  • Excerpt
  • Image
  • Company/website
  • Author
  • Rating
  • Template (range of templates available)

Add a testimonial image by uploading an image via the testimonial editor, or by optionally specifying a Gravatar email to associate an image with a testimonial.

There are several ways to display the testimonials you’ve created. Use shortcodes to display individual testimonials, or groups of testimonials anywhere on your site. Or, use the dedicated widget to show a group of testimonials in a sidebar, header, or footer (depending on what widget areas your current theme supports).

Alternatively, there are permalink URLs available to display single testimonials or testimonial archives (all testimonials or only those from specific groups). These URLs look something like:

  • yoursite.com/testimonials (<= Displays all testimonials)
  • yoursite.com/testimonials/main (<= Displays all testimonials from the ‘main’ group)
  • yoursite.com/testimonial/my-testimonial (<= Displays the individual testimonial with slug name ‘my-testimonial’)

Choose from a range of pre-made templates included in Ultimate Templates!

Click here for plugin support.

If you have a moment let us know what you think about ‘Ultimate Testimonials’ in the comments. Your feedback is really important to us and helps up continuously improve upon the plugin. Help us to make it even better!

And please rate the plugin if you find it useful. It would be most appreciated.

Thanks for all your support! 🙂


  • Add beautiful testimonials to your site!
  • Use the Ultimate Testimonials widget to add groups of testimonials to sidebars.
  • Shortcodes allow you to insert testimonials anywhere on your site.
  • View single testimonials via a permalink URL. (Note the URL in the browser window)
  • View all testimonials via a permalink URL. (Note the URL in the browser window)
  • View specific testimonial group via a permalink URL. (Note the URL in the browser window)
  • Archive testimonials viewed via the permalink URL have pagination enabled by default.
  • The main testimonials admin page. View all you're created testimonials here. Sort by various columns.
  • The testimonial editor. Enter all the content for your testimonial here.
  • Create groups as 'containers' for multiple testimonials.
  • Core testimonial settings. More will be added in future plugin versions.
  • To use a testimonial shortcode simply enter it into a post, page, or text widget.
  • Allow users to submit testimonials from the front end! Successful form submissions will create a new testimonial pending moderation by admin.
  • Choose a testimonial template. There are currently 3 templates included with Ultimate Testimonials. More to come soon!


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