Unotify Plugin

Created by: Unotify

Downloaded: 491 times

Unotify is a marketing platform that automates the real power of social proof to instantly increase trust, conversions and sales.
with a real-time data to create persuasive messages – increasing your sign-ups and sales.

  • Improve customers experience with on-page notifications
  • Increase your conversion rate
  • Create Fear of missing out notifications
  • Increase your website egagment

  • Unotify has already helped more than 50+ websites to achieve their sales goals and make a bigger conversion rate.

  • Our Notifcations Displayed more than 268000 till now worldwide and counting.
  • We provide an effective, user-friendly dashboard, which gives a quick real-time overview of the
    campaign’s performance. Easily make data-driven decisions based on detailed analytics.


Connect – add a tracking pixel to the website using your site Key
Launch campaign! – Select campaign type, customize it to fit your brand, and launch it.

We have a wide range of notifications based on the psychology of web users.



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