Update Users & Customers using CSV Update Users & Customers using CSV

Update Users & Customers using CSV

Created by: Passionate Brains

Downloaded: 478 times

this plugin helps to update customers or users data in bulk using csv file. It will also keep record of which data entry from file is successfully processed and which are not.

Rules For CSV File

  • File must be comma separated .csv / .txt format.
  • Column lables must be same to actual user field name where data needs to be updated.
  • File should have one index column which used for finding user for whom data is going to be updated. For example: user_login, username, id, user_id
  • Make sure each row of data for user has same number of data elements as many fields we need to update through file.
  • If you do not have data of some fields for any user or not want to update some data fileds then you write ” skip ” in data cell and that perticular data will be skipped for that user.


To use this plugin do the following:

  • Firstly activate Plugin.
  • Go to plugin settings page.
  • Upload csv file for bulk update users information.


  • CSV/TXT File Uploadation Page
  • Rules for Making CSV/TXT File for Bulk USers/Customers information update
  • File Format for making CSV/TXT
  • Data checking process before transferring to database


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