User Domain Whitelist User Domain Whitelist

User Domain Whitelist

Created by: Warren Harrison

Downloaded: 12k times

The User Domain Whitelist/Blacklist plugin limits user registration to only registrants with an email address from the domain white list below OR prevents registrants with an email address from the domain black list below from registering. For example, would only be allowed to register if appeared in the domain white list. Conversely, would not be allowed to register if appeared in the domain black list. Anyone attempting to register using an email address outside the white list or inside te black list will receive the error message below.Anyone attempting to register using an email address outside the white list will receive an error message. Both the domain whitelist and the error message can be modified via the plugin options page (available under the Settings menu).


  • <p>Shows the options page where you select the plugin mode whitelist/blacklist, add allowed domains to the whitelist or blacklist as well as customize your error message for non-allowed registrants.</p>
  • <p>Shows an example of the error message shown for non-allowed registrants.</p>


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