User Taxonomy & Directory User Taxonomy & Directory

User Taxonomy & Directory

Created by: Umesh Kumar

Downloaded: 54k times

The plugin offers a user-friendly solution to help you manage user taxonomies and create user directories on your WordPress site.

Key Features:

Easy Taxonomy Management: Register and manage user taxonomies effortlessly, providing structure to your user base without unnecessary complexity.
Admin users with the edit_users capability can assign or un-assign categories from the User profile page, made even more flexible with the ut_render_taxonomy_dropdown filter to modify the check.

Taxonomy Template Customization: Each taxonomy term generates its own archive featuring the list of assigned users. The plugin allows you to customize this template by simply creating a folder named template in your theme's root directory and add the custom template user-taxonomy-template.php."
Make sure to refresh your permalinks after creating a new taxonomy to ensure that the template functions correctly.

Dynamic User Lists: user-directory block allows you to display user lists based on roles, with a variety of customizable fields and filters for your front-end design.

User List Features:

Simple Search: Find users easily by name.

Filtering: Use taxonomies to refine user lists, with the option to activate multiple taxonomy filters via block settings.

Flexible Fields: User Name is included by default, but you can add more fields like Bio and Images, all configured with the block settings along with an option to filter it.

The plugin is compatible with multisite environment.


Justin Tadlock


  • Taxonomy CRUD Screen.
  • Taxonomy Tax archive page.
  • Taxonomy Terms List.
  • User Directory Block output.


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