Live Chat by Live Chat by

Live Chat by

Created by: UserEngage

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Add a fast, easy, and free Live Chat on any website! With Live Chat by you can easily start communicating with both visitors or customers at any page on your site.

Live Chat by is all you need to turn your visitors into customers in a single app. adds additional functionality to generate leads, that enables great onboarding and customer nurturing. Personalize your messaging and connect at the right time and in the right channel. comes with a full suite of features, from proactive and reactive personalised messaging chatbots, to marketing automation, email marketing, popups and more.

For more on features and to see the full potential, check out all features.


“ is making a difference in the lives of our clients. We use the platform directly to communicate, and with it are helping them to achieve financial stability and to follow their dreams, and you are part of that. Without as our partner, this would not be possible.”(read more).
Luizza Couto, Tribe Retention Leader at Qconcursos

“With, we see right around a 20% conversion increase, and a 15% boost to email open rate, on top of our already tweaked and finely tuned system. The team is super happy with a single tool; now they don’t need to switch between so many systems to do the same job.” (read more).
Justin McGill, Founder at LeadFuze

“The Live Chat is hands down the best in class, and the chatbot has a very high value — add it with complete control in any automation.”(read more).
Jérémy Mauboussin, Founder at PlagiaShield


  • Easy setup to add Live Chat to your website.
  • Plugin options, and you can find the API key on the site.
  • Find the Setup & integrations page in the settings to find your API key and domain.


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