Vampire Character Manager Vampire Character Manager

Vampire Character Manager

Created by: Jane Houston

Downloaded: 3k times

This WordPress plugin is intended to manage vampire character sheets for LARPs and online vampire games.

Features are:

  • Online character generation
  • Track and assign changes in Experience and other ratings
  • Output a PDF character for printing
  • Configure character generation rules using templates
  • Configure experience point and freebie point costs
  • Add/Edit character and source data
  • Storyteller approval of XP spends and character background updates
  • Display area map using Google API
  • Automatically list active characters and what their status is
  • Get reports (CSV and PDF) such as character activity
  • In-character Private Messaging system
  • Send a newsletter with Experience point totals
  • Can send notification emails via Mail or SMTP
  • Export and import the database to create and restore backups
  • (new) Custom WordPress REST API endpoints to allow integration with other applications



Display a list of characters with a specific Background. Defaults are highlighted.


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • background – which background to list (defaults to Status)
  • liststatus – only list characters with a specific character status (Alive, Missing, Dead, Staked, Torpor)
  • level – only list characters with a specific level of background (all, displayzeros, )
  • domain – only list characters in a specific domain (home, )
  • heading – show or hide table headings (1, 0)
  • columns – define which columns to display in a comma-separated list (level, character, player, clan, domain, background, sector, comment, level, office, sect)
  • matchtype – advanced filtering options. Specify what kind of match to make:
    • sector – list backgrounds that match the specified sector
    • comment – list backgrounds that match the specified comment/specialisation
    • characteristic – list backgrounds that match a characteristic from a character
  • match – use with matchtype. Specify what to filter on/match to
    • loggedinclan – list matches with the clan of the logged in user
    • loggedinsect – list matches with the sect of the logged in user
    • – list matches the selected level


  • Display all active characters in the current domain

[background_table level=displayzeros columns=”character,clan,office”]

  • Display all dead characters

[background_table columns=”character,clan,player” level=displayzeros court=”” liststatus=Dead]

  • Display a list of vampires with Clan Prestige in the same clan as you (logged in)

[background_table columns=”level,character,clan” match=loggedinclan matchtype=comment background=”Clan Prestige”]

Note that for this to work, on the character sheet the character must have the clan name entered
into the comment/specialisation box for the background.


Display character information for the logged in character.


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • group – Sub-group of information to display
    • char_name – character name
    • domain – domain of residence
    • pub_clan – public clan, i.e. the clan that they publicly admit to being a member of
    • priv_clan – private clan, i.e the clan they actually are
    • sire – Name of Sire
    • gen – generation
    • blood_per_round – number of blood points that can be spent per round
    • path_name – Path of Enlightenment name
    • path_value – Level of Path of Enlightenment
    • bloodpool – Size of the bloodpool
    • nature – Character nature (if used)
    • demeanour – Character demeanour (if used, and note UK spelling)
    • date_of_birth – Date of Birth
    • date_of_embrace – Date of Embrace
    • status – Character Status (e.g. Alive, Dead)
    • status_comment – Comment on character status
    • last_updated – date character was last updated (e.g. XP spent)

“Your character was last updated on [character_detail_block group=last_updated].”


Display the Offices of the logged-in character


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)



Display Path of Enlightenment changes for the logged-in character


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • group – Sub-group of information to display
    • total – current path level


“Your path rating is [character_road_or_path_table group=total].”


Show information on Willpower or Blood spends


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • showtable – show changes in a table (0, 1)
  • limit – limit how many rows in the table (defaults to 5)
  • stat – specify which stat to display (Willpower, Blood)

[character_temp_stats showtable=1 limit=10 stat=Blood]


List the XP spends and assignments for the logged in character


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • maxrecords – limit how many rows in the table (defaults to 20)

[character_xp_table maxrecords=100]


Display the domain/feeding map. Domains and who owns them are defined in the Data Tables
admin section. You will need a valid Google API code for this feature to work.



Displays a table of characters with a specific Merit or Flaw.


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • merit – Merit or Flaw name to list (Default is “Clan Friendship”)
  • match – add a filter to the list
    • loggedinclan – Comment/specialisation must match that of the clan of the logged in user
    • – match the specified value
  • liststatus – only list characters with a specific character status (Alive, Missing, Dead, Staked, Torpor)
  • heading – show or hide table headings (1, 0)
  • domain – only list characters in a specific domain (home, )
  • columns – define which columns to display in a comma-separated list (level, character, player, clan, domain, merit, comment, level, sect)

For example, display a list of character with Enmity towards your clan

[merit_table merit=’Clan Enmity’ match=loggedinclan]


List all the characters with an office or position of power


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • domain – domain character is an official in
  • office – specific office to display

“The ruler of Glasgow is [office_block domain=Glasgow office=Prince].”


Displays a button for characters to click to spend Willpower or Bloodpoints.


  • character – WordPress login name of character to be ‘logged in’ as (ST/admin only)
  • stat – which Stat the button is for:
    • Willpower
    • Blood


List the last x private messages.


  • list – define what messages to display

[inbox_summary list=5]


Character Login Widget

Displays useful links:

  • Login/logout
  • Character Sheet
  • Character Profile
  • Spend Experience
  • Character Inbox (x unread)
  • Addressbook
  • Contact Details

Character Background Widget

Displays how much of the character background has been completed.

Sunset/Sunrise Times

Display the times of sunset and sunrise.

WordPress REST API Endpoints

  • /wp-json/vampire-character/v1/character : return a list of the active characters (Storyteller only)
  • /wp-json/vampire-character/v1/character/ : return character information by character ID (Storyteller only)
  • /wp-json/vampire-character/v1/character/wpid&wordpress_id= : return character information by wordpress username
  • /wp-json/vampire-character/v1/character/me : return character information for logged-in user

Template Tags



  • View your character sheet
  • Edit a character sheet
  • PDF character sheet
  • Spend Experience


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