Vasaio QR Code Vasaio QR Code

Vasaio QR Code

Created by: Marius OLAR

Downloaded: 5k times

This plugin will insert standalone QR code with permalink or another content.

Coming soon features

Calendar event, vCard, MECARD, Email, Geo location, Phone number and Wifi network.


Just put [vasaioqrcode] shortcode into you content page, and you have one QR code customized in what color you want, with a logo inside of it. The content of the QR code will be the permalink of the current page. If you want to change the content of the QR code just use the parameter ‘m’ like that: [vasaioqrcode m="new content"].

You can also use the widget of the plugin. The settings from Vasaio QR Code settings page will be the default settings for new widget, and the settings from widget will be individual for every widget you use.

The uniqueness of this plugin stand in three things: standalone QR codes, colored QR codes and customized QR codes with logo inside.

Standalone QR code

The plugin is not using any other application to generate the QR code.

Colored QR code

The QR code can be generated in any other peer of colors, not just black and white. The principle is simple: the only think that is metter is the contrast between colors. You can choose another color (insted of black) for the code and the plugin will get automaticaly the inverse color of “the main color” you choose => the contrast resulted is the same between balck and white (the maximum contrast).

Customized QR code

You can add any logo you want direct into your QR code. This is very important if you want to have customized QR codes.

Available interface languages:

  1. English (default language)
  2. Romanian


Howdy, if you like or don`t like my plugin give me your FEEDBACK! Thanks!

Thanks to the following programmers:

PHP QR Code encoder

Dominik Dzienia
Kentaro Fukuchi
Phil Karn, KA9Q

Resizing images with PHP

Simon Jarvis

PHP Color inverse

Jonas John

jscolor, JavaScript Color Picker

Jan Odvarko

JavaScript tabifier

Patrick Fitzgerald


  • <p>Vasaio QR Code - Settings</p>
  • <p>Vasaio QR Code - Documentation</p>
  • <p>Vasaio QR Code Widget</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode m=""]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode s="100"]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode x="m" c="FFFF00" bg="333333" e="1"]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode t="gif"]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode b="2"]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode c="000000"]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode x="L" s="512" c="f0f0f0" o=""]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode p="0"]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode a="0" s="512"]</p>
  • <p>[vasaioqrcode s="512"]</p>


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