
Created by: nK

Downloaded: 944 times


  • Envato oAuth button in registration form
  • AwesomeSupport integration for Envato products
  • Activation API for themes and plugins developers

Activation themes/plugins for developers

  1. Fill settings in wp_admin > Vatomi > Settings > Envato Settings
  2. Create Licenses page in wp_admin > Vatomi > Settings > Licenses
  3. Use these links to let users activate your theme/plugin:

    • Activate

      <a href="<?php echo esc_attr( 'https://{YOUR_SITE}/licenses/?vatomi_item_id={ITEM_ID}&vatomi_action=activate&vatomi_site=' . urlencode( home_url( '/' ) ) . '&vatomi_redirect=' . urlencode( admin_url( 'admin.php?page={YOUR_THEME_PAGE}' ) ) ); ?>" class="button button-primary">Activate</a>

      After button clicked, user will be redirected back to their site on the page admin_url( 'admin.php?page={YOUR_THEME_PAGE}' ) with available GET variables, that you can use:

      • vatomi_action (activate, deactivate)
      • vatomi_item_id (item ID)
      • vatomi_license_code (Envato purchase code)
    • Deactivate

      <a href="<?php echo esc_attr( 'https://{YOUR_SITE}/licenses/?vatomi_item_id={ITEM_ID}&vatomi_action=deactivate&vatomi_license={PURCHASE_CODE}&vatomi_redirect=' . urlencode( admin_url( 'admin.php?page={YOUR_THEME_PAGE}' ) ) ); ?>" class="button button-primary">Deactivate</a>

      After button clicked, user will be redirected back to their site on the page admin_url( 'admin.php?page={YOUR_THEME_PAGE}' ) with available GET variables, that you can use:

      • vatomi_action (activate, deactivate)
      • vatomi_item_id (item ID)
      • vatomi_license_code (Envato purchase code)

After theme/plugin activated, you will be able to use Vatomi API:

  • Get URL to ZIP file:

  • Get item current version number:

  • Check valid purchase code (if user purchased item from you):




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