Velocity – Video Lazy Loading for YouTube, Twitch and Vimeo Velocity – Video Lazy Loading for YouTube, Twitch and Vimeo

Velocity – Video Lazy Loading for YouTube, Twitch and Vimeo

Created by: Darren Cooney

Downloaded: 7k times

Velocity is an alternative loading method to the standard to YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch and Soundcloud iframe embeds.

With Velocity you will decrease the loading time and increase overall performance of your website by lazy loading media on-demand instead of on initial page load.

To add Velocity to your site, simply create a Velocity shortcode by selecting a preview image and media type using the intuitive shortcode builder then add the generated snippet to your page.

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Shortcode Parameters

  • type – Choose a media type [youtube, vimeo, twitch, soundcloud].
  • id – The ID of the media item.
  • options – Add optional styling and display parameters for the embedded media – e.g. rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0.
  • playlist – Is this a Soundcloud playlist [true/false].
  • img – The path to the preview image.
  • alt – The alternative text to be attached to the preview image.
  • color – Play button arrow color.
  • bkg_color – Play button background color.

Example Shortcode

[velocity type="youtube" id="239793212" img="" alt="Play Video"]

Tested Browsers

  • Firefox (Mac, PC)
  • Chrome (Mac, PC, iOS, Android)
  • Safari (Mac, iOS)
  • IE10+
  • Android (Native)
  • BB10 (Native)



  • Settings.
  • Velocity shortcode builder.
  • Add Velocity (page/post edit screen).
  • Velocity lightbox (page/post edit screen).


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