Video Callout Video Callout

Video Callout

Created by: Web Engineer

Downloaded: 1k times

Video Callout can display video popups on your posts and pages. Simply add a video from YouTube, Google Drive, or Vimeo via the WordPress editor and your site visitors will see the video popup in a modal when they visit your chosen page.

Featuring detailed customisation options, allowing you to configure the popup appearance and behaviour from the post editor or globally via your site’s settings page.

Enter the video details into the Video Callout box on the page editor and further customisation options will be displayed.


  • video – (required) YouTube video URL or ID, Google Drive video URL, or Vimeo video URL.
  • autoplay – Check this for the video to play automatically (note: autoplay videos will be muted as required by most modern browsers).
  • frequency – How long after users see the video before it can be shown again. Select a period (seconds, hours, days) and a duration.
  • delay – Delay in seconds until the video appears.
  • class – Add extra CSS classes to the outer div for custom styling.
  • mute – Turn off sound.
  • modal – Will cover the page with a tinted overlay.


You can choose where on the page you want the callout to appear. Plus the size and all properties of the window, frame and close button.

The style and layout can be globally managed for the site with the option to set any overrides on a per page or post basis.


Autoplay is not supported by all browsers. If you use autoplay, mute should be turned on for autoplay to work in most cases in those browsers that support it.

Only youtube and vimeo support autoplay

Dashboard widget

The handy dashboard widget neatly shows you how many video callouts you have on your website and lists the most recent ones you updated.


  • Closeup of a video callout
  • Dedicated video-callout panel
  • Dashboard widget showing placements
  • Configuration and playback options
  • Example bottom-left placement
  • Example centre placement
  • Style can be set site wide


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