Void Woo Cart Restrictor Void Woo Cart Restrictor

Void Woo Cart Restrictor

Created by: VoidCoders

Downloaded: 761 times

Void Woo Cart Restrictor lets you restrict a certain type of category products to the only defined user role. It will make the selected category product completely non purchasable other than the chosen user role. It will show a notice saying that user need to login before they can buy the product. User will also be redirected to the product that the user was browsing after successfully logging in.

After installation Void Woo Cart Restrictor will add a submenu ‘Void Woo Cart Restrictor’ Under Settings. It will also add a checkbox field saying ‘Restrict this category?’

Product > Categories > Restrict this category

Note: This plugin is an addon of WooCommerce (https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/) and will only work with WooCommerce installed.


  1. Activate the plugin.
  2. Browse Product > Categories > Dummy Category > check the Restrict this category box to restrict this product category.
  3. Browse Settings > Void Woo Cart Restrictor > check the roles for which you would like the product of restricted category to show up only. i.e I choose for Customer role


  • /assets/screenshot-1.png
  • /assets/screenshot-2.png
  • /assets/screenshot-3.png
  • /assets/screenshot-4.png


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