vWriter Guest Post vWriter Guest Post

vWriter Guest Post

Created by: takanomi

Downloaded: 2k times


Automate your guest posting with this powerful plugin from vWriter.com.

Visitors to your blog can request a 100% unique, professionally-written version of your blog post they can then publish as a Guest Post on their blog with link(s) back to your site.

Essential for any business owner wanting to build online traffic and visibility for the long-term, this must-have plugin gives you high quality, targeted traffic and SEO benefits, develops new business opportunities, and builds powerful relationships with other businesses and bloggers.

Note: All Guest Post requests are subject to your approval – you maintain full control over which sites are going to be posting your content and linking back to you.

Why Should I Use This Plugin?

vWriter.com’s Guest Post Plugin gives you all the benefits of guest posting but without all the usual hassle and hard work.

Guest posting is one of the most effective online marketing strategies you can use – for example:

  • It’s highly effective for SEO, giving you the type of links Google fully supports and loves …

  • It builds long-term, quality, targeted traffic – a visitor who clicks through to your site from a blog post tends to stick around a lot longer than traffic from elsewhere …

  • It opens up new business opportunities and helps develop powerful relationships with key players in your industry …

  • It boosts your online influence, authority, and social media following …

  • And more …

Instead of you having to do all the work, the blog owners come to you, saving you all the hassle, and hours and hours of lost time … the plugin largely automates the whole guest posting process for you

So How Does It Work?

Visitors to your blog can request a 100% unique, professionally-written version of your blog post they can then publish as a Guest Post on their blog with link(s) back to your site.

After installing the plugin, a simple piece of text and a link appears at the end of all your posts … or just the posts you choose.

Features include:

  • The ability to define the text (including the link text) that appears at the end of your posts

  • Option to have the text and link appear at the end of all posts, or just the posts you choose

Plus, the plugin is fully integrated with vWriter.com:

  • Fully streamlined process for bloggers wanting to publish your Guest Post on their blog.

  • Instant notification when a blogger requests your Guest Post – we verify their ownership of their blog so you know their request is genuine.

  • With each request, you decide whether to approve or decline – maintain control over exactly which sites will be publishing your content and linking to you.

  • The blogger suggests the word count they would like for the Guest Post – you can then agree, or negotiate further with them via our messaging system.

  • For Guest Post requests you approve, a writer is automatically commissioned to professionally rewrite the blog post for you, which is added as a new order to your vWriter.com account (register here for free if you don’t yet have an account).

  • Set the bio box (and optional profile picture) you want to appear at the end of the Guest Posts that are published, and which will link back to you … use the plugin for as many blogs as you wish, and define a separate bio for each.

  • Once the content for the Guest Post has been written and you’ve approved it (again, you have full control):

    • The blogger is notified and, to allow for their publishing schedule, they have thirty days to publish your Guest Post and notify us of its publication (we send them appropriate reminders during this time).

    • As soon as they notify us they have published your Guest Post, we send you the link where it’s published.

If on the rare occasion the blog owner does not publish within the required time frame:

  • They lose any right to publish (you own the copyright, whether or not they publish it)

  • They are notified accordingly and may be banned from making future such requests

  • The content is reserved in your account to meet a future such Guest Post request instead … or you can use it for something else (for example, communicating with your list, posting to a forum or other site, social media, etc.).

All in all, our Guest Post Plugin means you can start taking advantage of guest posting in an easy and hassle-free way, and is essential for any business owner wanting to build online traffic and visibility in a sustainable way for the long-term.

It’s a quick, five minute installation process – just scroll back up, click the Installation tab and follow the simple instructions provided.


  • I am open to all feedback and suggestions for improvements, thank you for using or trying out this plugin – please just get in touch or leave a comment.


  • Text and link at the end of posts
  • Option for individual posts
  • Plugin options


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