When you develop or modify a website you sometimes want to hide the content from visitors while redirecting them to a temporary page. That’s exactly what this plugin does.

  • Multilingual ready: This plugin is currently only available in english. It’s however multilingual ready.
  • IP white listing: to let devs, testers & clients access the website during its development (this is not a secured/reliable method to hide content but good enough if your content is not top secret).
  • Posts, Custom Posts & Pages white listing: For callback pages and other pages you may not want to hide.
  • Redirect to homepage: If for any reason people try to access your landing page after you disabled it they will be redirected to the homepage (this behavior can be disabled).

Upcoming features

  • Translations
  • short codes for the landing page to add if desired:
    • a count down and
    • a form “leave your email to be updated”
    • a form “leave your email to be updated” (Campain Monitor integration)
    • a like us on Facebook and stay updated button


  • The administration page in version 1.0


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