Walmart Affiliate Link

Created by: Walmart Affiliates

Downloaded: 8k times

Developed by Walmart for its affiliate partners, this easy to use plugin lets you create paid links by setting your
Linkshare id for payment into your account. To use this plugin you must have already registered with Walmart
as an Affiliate Partner. More information at
Whenever your blog post contains text that matches a set pattern (explained below), it gets converted to a paid link. Given the wide assortment of products at Walmart, there is a high chance
your content is converted to paid links with this plugin.

The following are supported formats in this wordpress plugin.

Pattern 1:

[walmart search search-query]

eg. [walmart search ipad] takes you to the search results page for iPad on Lets you create links to search pages on

Pattern 2:

[walmart url title]

eg. [walmart Walmart Homepage] Lets you create links to any page.

Pattern 3:

[walmart rectangle item-id]

eg. [walmart rectangle 123123123] Lets you create a rectangular banner for a specific product.
You can obtain the walmart item id by browsing the site. item pages urls adhere to the following format.

eg. In the url :
22955038 is the item id.

Pattern 4:

[walmart leaderboard item1-id item2-id]

eg. [walmart leaderboard 123123123 234234234] Lets you create a leaderboard banner for two products.

NOTE : Please use product ids of exactly two items seperated by spaces to use this pattern.

Pattern 5:

[walmart skyscraper item1-id item2-id item3-id]

eg. [walmart 123123123 234234234 345345345] Lets you create a skyscraper banner for three products.

NOTE : Please use product ids of exactly three items seperated by spaces to use this pattern.

Pattern 6:

[walmart carousel item1-id item2-id item3-id item4-id item5-id] Lets you create a carousel banner for atmost five products.
eg. [walmart carousel 123123123 234234234 345345345 456456456]

NOTE : Please use product ids of atmost five items seperated by spaces to use this pattern.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Please provide your Linkshare ID in the Walmart Affiliate Link admin page (accessible through the settings page) before using the plugin. The plugin does not create any links if Linkshare ID is not provided in the admin page.

Please test all your links to ensure they redirect to after publishing.

Important Note

Please provide your encrypted id using the admin page of the plugin. (Accessible through the settings page in the
wordpress dashboard.)



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