It’s a woocommerce extension, which helps you to collect extra options from user. The extra options will be carried over to cart, checkout, order & email.

Using it’s simple field configuration views, you can easily create and publish custom fields to your wooocmmerce products.
There is a dedicated drag & drop based form designer, you can customize how the fields should be positioned in the product page.

WC Fields Factory is fully unlocked.
There is no premium version, all the field types as well as features are free and always will be.!

Supported Field Types

  • File Upload : Single and multiple file uploads. supports major file formats (img, video, pdf …)
  • Color Picker : Supports user defined palettes as well as raw color picker.
  • Date Picker : jQuery UI datepicker.
  • Check Box : Checkbox list for selecting multi option.
  • Radio Button : Single option selector.
  • Color Swatch : Sub type of Radio button, radio buttons can be shown as color swatches.
  • Image Button : Sub type of Radio button, radio buttons can be shown as image button selector.
  • Drop Down : To show dropdown list.
  • Text Area : To collect more than one line of text.
  • Text : To collect simple text.
  • Number : To collect number alone.
  • Email : To collect email address
  • Label : To show product related highlighted message
  • Image : Wp Media Upload button (for admin fields only)
  • URL : Set custom links on product page (for admin fields only)
  • Hidden : Hidden information only for the eye of admin


Custom Pricing & Fee Rules
Change product’s price based on custom fields value dynamically.
Price can be added, subtracted or replaced.
Calculation mode can be fixed or percentage Value.
You can also add cart Fee based on custom fields value dynamically.

Custom Fields Rules
Make field visible or hidden based on other fields value.

Variation Fields
Create, manage & publish custom fields for woocommerce product variations.
There is a dedicated configuration view for mapping custom fields to product variations (From V4.0.0)

Checkout Fields
Using Wc Fields Factory you can customize checkout forms (billing & shipping).
You can add new fields to address forms or you show/hide existing address fields.
You can also add custom fields to other part of checkout page as well.

Admin Fields
WC Fields Factory allows you to assign fields for back end product admin screens.
Fields for Product Admin View, Product Variations Admin View & Product Category Admin View.
Admin can show these fields to front end product page as well (to show some predefined value)
Can add custom fields to product variation admin view as well.

Fields Cloning
Allows to collect extra options per quantity.

Role Based Fields
Make fields visible to only authorized users (based on roles)

Dual layer validations, for real time (client side) as well as server side.

Form Designer
Custom built form designer exclusively for rendering the fields.

WC’s Rest API support
WC Fields Factory expose custom fields to wooCommerce rest api (for both products as well as variations end point)
Also added support for CoCart Headless ecommerce plugin.



  • Single Product Page with Custom Fields
  • Wcff Product Custom Fields List
  • Wcff Factory View
  • Wcff Rules
  • Wcff Pricing Rules View
  • Wcff Fee Rules View


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