As a business owner, offering Free Shipping to your customers is an effective way to attract more sales and retain customer loyalty. However, it can be a challenge to set up Free Shipping options that meet the specific needs of your business. That’s why we created the Free Shipping Per Package plugin for WooCommerce.

With our plugin, you can configure advanced conditions for every shipping zone when a Free Shipping option should be offered. The plugin is designed to work seamlessly with the Shipping Packages for WooCommerce plugin, which allows you to split cart based on a flexible group by condition.

Using our plugin, you can offer Free Shipping based on cart package weight, cart package subtotal, or sell from different warehouses/dropshipping providers. You can set minimum and maximum quantity, subtotal, weight, and volume requirements for Free Shipping, and require a valid Free Shipping coupon. You can also choose Free Shipping as a default shipping method and specify a custom name for the Shipping Method that will be displayed to the customer.


  • Conditions calculated based on Shipping Package contents, instead of the cart.
  • Unlimited Free Shipping rules for each Shipping Zone.
  • The ability to specify a custom name for the Shipping Method that will be displayed to the customer.
  • The option to choose Free Shipping as a default shipping method.
  • The ability to require all or any condition to match for the Cart package to qualify for Free Shipping.
  • The option to require a valid Free Shipping coupon.
  • The ability to set minimum and maximum quantity, subtotal, weight, and volume requirements for Free Shipping.

If you’re looking for even more advanced features, our PRO version is available for purchase. Our PRO version includes all the features of the free version, plus several additional features, such as the ability to display a Cart Notice when the shipping package does not meet Free Shipping requirements, the ability to hide all other Shipping Methods, and the ability to require all or any of the products to belong to selected Vendors.

Our PRO version also includes support for WCFM, Dokan, WCMP, WCPV, and YITH multivendor marketplaces. You can require a Customer to belong to one of the specified User Roles, require all or any of the products to belong to one of the specified Categories or Shipping Classes, and require all or any of the products to have one of the specified Tags or Taxonomy values. You can even schedule Free Shipping for specific days of the week, specific dates, and specific time intervals.

PRO Features

  • The ability to display a Cart Notice when the shipping package does not meet Free Shipping requirements.
  • The ability to hide all other Shipping Methods.
  • The ability to keep other Free Shipping methods.
  • The option to choose if the Free Shipping method should be the first or last in the list of Shipping Methods.
  • Support for WCFM, Dokan, WCMP, WCPV, and YITH multivendor marketplaces.
  • The ability to require all or any of the products to belong to selected Vendors.
  • The ability to require a Customer to belong to one of the specified User Roles.
  • The ability to require all or any of the products to belong to one of the specified Categories.
  • The ability to require all or any of the products to have one of the specified Shipping Classes.
  • The ability to require all or any of the products to have one of the specified Tags or Taxonomy values.
  • The ability to schedule Free Shipping for specific days of the week, specific dates, and specific time intervals.

PRO Version of the plugin

By using our Free Shipping Per Package plugin, you can provide your customers with a more personalized and efficient shipping experience. It’s a great way to stand out from your competitors and gain customer loyalty.

In addition to our Free Shipping Per Package plugin, we also offer the Shipping Packages for WooCommerce plugin, which allows you to split cart based on a flexible group by condition. By using these two plugins together, you can take your shipping options to the next level and provide your customers with an unparalleled shopping experience.

Our Shipping Packages for WooCommerce plugin allows you to create packages of products that can be combined and shipped by the same warehouse or vendor, and require a separate shipping charge from other packages. This is an excellent solution for businesses that have a variety of products with different shipping requirements.

With our Shipping Packages for WooCommerce plugin, you can split cart based on a flexible group by condition, such as product category, product weight, or product vendor. This allows you to offer more customized shipping options to your customers and streamline your shipping process.

In conclusion, our Free Shipping Per Package plugin and Shipping Packages for WooCommerce plugin are excellent solutions for businesses that want to offer more personalized and efficient shipping options to their customers.

To learn more about these plugins and how they can benefit your business, visit our website at 1TeamSoftware.
And if you have any questions or require additional information, feel free to Contact Us.




  • Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> Free Shipping Per Package.
  • Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> Shipping Zones and then Select Edit on any of the Shipping Zones, then hit Add Shipping Method inside of it and choose Free Shipping Per Package and hit Add Shipping Method.
  • You can enable / disable individual Shipping Methods in the configuration of the Shipping Zone.
  • Hit Edit on the Free Shipping Per Package method in the Shipping Zone and configure various conditions.


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